Water Testing Results — Week of August 6

Town of Hop­kin­ton, MA — Pub­lic Bathing Beach


Oper­at­ed by Hop­kin­ton Parks and Recre­ation Depart­ment – Beach opens June 16 2012 and clos­es August 19, 2012. It is open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., sev­en days a week dur­ing this period


445. 031: Indi­ca­tor Organisms

… (B) For fresh water, the indi­ca­tor organ­ism shall be E. Coli or Enterococci.

(1) No sin­gle E. Coli sam­ple shall exceed 235 colonies per 100 ml. and the geo­met­ric mean of the most recent five E. Coli sam­ples with­in the same bathing sea­son shall not exceed 126 colonies per 100 ml. …

Indi­ca­tor Organ­ism — E. Coli

Sam­ple Date Left side of Beach CFU/100ml Cen­ter of Beach CFU/100ml Right side of Beach CFU/100ml

June 11 <10 <10 20


June 18 <10 <10 <10


June 25 20 <10 10


July 2 30 10 80


July 9 <10 10 30


July 16 <10 30 30


July 23 <10 <10 30


July 30 30 40 50


August 6 10 30 70

N.B. Although there are no life­guards at the beach after August 19, 2019 sam­ples will be tak­en to the end of August__

June — Tem­per­a­ture for the month aver­age 64.3 ⁰F, +.2⁰F and pre­cip­i­ta­tion was 4.45 inch­es, +.76 inch­es for the month

*July – Tem­per­a­ture for the month aver­age 73.2 ⁰F, + 3.5⁰F and pre­cip­i­ta­tion was 3.92 inch­es, +.28 inch­es for the month

August – Tem­per­a­ture for the month aver­age ⁰F, and pre­cip­i­ta­tion was inches

7th warmest July on record

Tem­per­a­ture and pre­cip­i­ta­tion infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by Blue Hills Obser­va­to­ry, Mil­ton, MA


CC: Parks and Recreation

Tina Mac­Connell, Patri­cia Hol­land, LMPA