LMPA Hop­kin­ton Residents

We would like to make you aware that an arti­cle was put on the 2023 annu­al Town Meet­ing war­rant to rezone the north side of Hay­ward Street from South Street to direct­ly across 33 and 35 Hay­ward Street. The “Rur­al Busi­ness zone” would extend approx­i­mate­ly 350 feet down Hay­ward street. Includ­ed in the pro­pos­al is a new road on Hay­ward Street that would allow access the rear of those prop­er­ties. This would result in increased traf­fic, addi­tion­al runoff from paved sur­faces, and addi­tion­al pol­lu­tion from storm-water that can direct­ly impact the lake and sur­round­ing neigh­bor­hoods. A sim­i­lar pro­pos­al was sub­mit­ted a num­ber of years ago that was suc­cess­ful­ly defeat­ed at town meet­ing. We would encour­age the res­i­dents of the area to voice their opin­ions to the Plan­ning Board (March 6th at 7 pm)and at Town Meet­ing in May.

Please see the attached let­ter of appeal by those neigh­bors direct­ly impact­ed… Not only does this impact these neigh­bors direct­ly but is also a con­cern for those in and around this area.


Pic.1 The pro­posed zon­ing change. Green is “Lake­Front Res­i­den­tial”, Blue is Rur­al Busi­ness (BR)

Plan­ning Board Zoom meet­ing, March 6, 7pm

Join Zoom Meeting


Meet­ing ID: 831 6820 6579

Pass­code: 395060

Dial by your


    +1 646 931 3860 US

    +1 646 876 9923 US

Pic2 Pro­posed zon­ing change from google view with lot lines. The hous­es from right to left and down are 33,35,37 Hay­ward st.

To Respect­ed Hop­kin­ton Town Residents,

A Group of 24 town res­i­dents pro­posed a peti­tion to change the zon­ing of the lots (see pic1) from Lake­Front Res­i­den­tial (RFL) to Rur­al busi­ness (BR) on Jan 31st, 2023, the last day to be added to the town warrant.

While cit­i­zens can peti­tion the town gov­ern­ment, this case bypass­es the nor­mal zon­ing amend­ment process through the zon­ing advi­so­ry board (ZAC) and plan­ning board meet­ings. The peti­tion was sub­mit­ted on the evening (3.45 pm) of the last day (Jan 31, 2023) peti­tion can be added to the town meet­ing war­rant. This delib­er­ate and last-minute sub­mis­sion left no time for the impact­ed street res­i­dents of Hay­ward St to make a counter-peti­tion, which they have the right to do.

Zon­ing was estab­lished to pro­tect adja­cent res­i­den­tial neigh­bor­hoods from neg­a­tive impacts from future con­struc­tions and cre­ate a safe envi­ron­ment for fam­i­lies to raise their kids. This devel­op­ment cre­ates very big con­cerns for the safe­ty and qual­i­ty of liv­ing for the Hay­ward St res­i­dents. Please see the Pic2, show­ing the pro­posed change and the neigh­bor­hood hous­es lots.

The zon­ing amend­ment includes a pri­vate road (Pine Grove Lane) and a part of Hay­ward St. These two roads will be used for busi­ness traf­fic. How­ev­er, the pri­vate road starts right in front of the 33 Hay­ward St house dri­ve­way! This severe­ly impacts the safe­ty and pri­va­cy of the house­holds (33 & 35 Hay­ward St) as well as dimin­ish­es their prop­er­ties’ value.

We are appeal­ing to all respect­ed Hop­kin­ton res­i­dents – to please review the maps with the pro­posed zon­ing change, put your­self in the shoes of the 33 and 35 Hay­ward St res­i­dents, and think if such a pro­pos­al were to be devel­oped right next to your homes! We sin­cere­ly request that you join the Plan­ning Board meet­ing on March 6th at 7pm and sup­port the neigh­bors so the Board could make an infor­mant decision.

Please join the 2023 Annu­al Town Meet­ing on May 1st to vote against the pro­posed zon­ing change.


Vik­a­sith Pratty

33 Hay­ward St

Rustem Rafikov

35 Hay­ward St

Please reach us if you have any questions/concerns at rustem.rafikov@gmail.com (508–333-3288) and vikasith@yahoo.com (616–406-5035)