2021 Sandy Beach and Boat Trailer Passes

THIS WEEKEND May 15 & 16th from 10 am — 12 pm, and in asso­ci­a­tion with the Hop­kin­ton Parks and Recre­ation depart­ment, vol­un­teers will be at the Sandy Beach park­ing lot sell­ing and dis­trib­ut­ing sea­son pass­es for Sandy Beach and Boat trail­ers!

**Sea­son runs from Memo­r­i­al Day week­end to Labor Day weekend.** 

How to get your sticker:

Option 1. Bring cash or check, license/proof of Hop­kin­ton Res­i­den­cy (also includes Pine Island and Crock­ett) and we will issue your stick­er at the table! 

Option 2. Pur­chase online, bring us your receipt along with your license and we can issue your sticker.

See you this week­end! Please vis­it the Hop­kin­ton Parks & Recre­ation web­site for full details. 

Best Regards,
LMPA E‑board