2021 LMPA Annual Meeting
Virtual — June 7th — 7:00 pm

This year’s Annu­al LMPA Gen­er­al Meet­ing will once again take place via Zoom. A link to join the meet­ing will be sent to all active LMPA mem­bers. If you are unsure of your mem­ber sta­tus, please email us and we can pro­vide you with that infor­ma­tion and update your mem­ber sta­tus, if applicable. 

There are board seats avail­able for those inter­est­ed. Full details and an agen­da will be sent, via email in the next few days. If you would like to run for a seat, please send us an email stat­ing your inter­est in the Pres­i­dent, Vice Pres­i­dent, or Exec­u­tive Board seat (2 available). 

Thank you for your con­tin­ued sup­port of the LMPA!

The Exec­u­tive Board of the LMPA