Mid-Summer Safe Boating Checklist

We have been made aware of inci­dents involv­ing boats and jet skis this sum­mer. There­fore, in the inter­est of lake safe­ty, we are remind­ing our mem­bers and friends of the Coast Guard Boat­ing Safe­ty Check­list and the sum­ma­ry of the Mass­a­chu­setts boat­ing laws. In the event that there are spot checks on the lake, we want to ensure that every­one is in com­pli­ance and that we are able to share the lake safe­ly, togeth­er. We encour­age every­one to take a look at the list and get their boats in order. 

Please vis­it the Coast Guard web­site for a full list­ing and explanation

Have a hap­py and safe summer!

The LMPA E‑Board