It has come to our atten­tion that some peo­ple have been run­ning into a glitch try­ing to order their Spring Fling tick­ets via Pay­Pal. We apol­o­gize for any incon­ve­nience and have decid­ed to leave the tick­et price at $35.

We are also adding the option to use Ven­mo to pur­chase Spring Fling Tick­ets only:

1. include how many tick­ets you are pur­chas­ing (i.e. 1 tick­et, 2 tickets)

2. Full name of per­son pur­chas­ing the tickets

3. best email address for our records.

(Please use Pay­Pal or send a check to 50 Downey for membership).

We do, how­ev­er encour­age peo­ple to try to pur­chase their tick­ets in the next day or so as we have to give a head­count to the coun­try club by tomor­row, Monday.

Tick­ets will still be avail­able at the door.

May be an image of lake and text that says 'Lake Maspenock Preserv. Ass... @LMPA-Social_Payments venmo'