Meeting Minutes — 5 August 2013

Lake Maspenock Preservation Association

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

AUGUST 5, 2013

Start time: 7:05 pm

In atten­dance:

Mal­colm, Bri­an, Mark, Frank, Pat­ty, Tina

1. Review and vote to accept min­utes from June 19th meeting.

Post meet­ing min­utes to web­site after board approval

Motion: Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Frank


2. Treasurer’s Report –

Two bank accounts — $1,157.29 and $826.29

Insur­ance due $762.00 (annu­al bill)

Will deplete small­er account, trans­fer remain­ing to sec­ond account when low

3. Requests for changes to the draw­down NOI/Order of Conditions:

Mal­colm draft­ed let­ter to Con­ser­va­tion Comm and will get on the agenda

For their next meet­ing. Mal­colm to noti­fy board when the meet­ing will take place

4. Dam Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee (Update Mike, Mark, Frank)

Mike not in atten­dance but updat­ed Mal­colm, he con­tact­ed Jaime and Nor­man (Town Man­ag­er) they are going to try to orga­nize a meet­ing for lat­er in the month.

5. Update on Sandy Beach work, Buoys?

Bri­an will con­tact Park and Rec, get an update and email Board Mem­bers to the progress at the beach.

6. Fish­ing Tour­na­ment – 9/14?

Since the beach is not com­plet­ed, we will wait for the update from Bri­an, but it does not look good.

Tina to send Save the Date email to membership.

7. Fund raising

Mark talked about fund rais­ing efforts on his brother’s lake.

Oth­er lakes charge $75/family annu­al­ly in order to be able to cover

Cost of weed con­trol, etc.

Need to review increase of dues per fam­i­ly, but would require vote from mem­ber­ship, would need to hold a spe­cial Gen­er­al Meet­ing. Frank to write up cost list regard­ing increase in dues.

8. New Business

Month­ly Newslet­ter to mem­ber­ship, every­one should have input at each meet­ing as to what we can put togeth­er for the newsletter.

Vote on Boat Parade – Boat with Big Flags (Pat­ty had photo)

Will send email with pic­ture and have Jen post to Web­site and Face­book to iden­ti­fy winner

9. Next meeting?

Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 3 – 7:00 pm –

207 West Main Street (Pat­ty and Frank’s)

10. Motion for adjournment

Motion: Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Tina


End time: 8:48 pm