Inaugural LMPA Lake MaspenSWAP at Sandy Beach

Time to clean out and take inven­to­ry of your lake gear and SWAP some items with neigh­bors. Trade/exchange and/or give away some stuff. If you don’t have any­thing to give away or don’t need any­thing that is ok, sim­ply join us for a fun afternoon!

Pick a spot in the beach park­ing lot and set up your things. Min­gle about, get to know your lake com­mu­ni­ty and maybe score a few items for yourself.

What­ev­er doesn’t go, please take back with you. Please bear in mind that this is not a yard sale and no mon­ey will be exchanged.

Ideas for items to swap:


Water skis


Life jack­ets


Fish­ing equipment

Water shoes

Hock­ey sticks/pucks