Hayward Street Rezoning Meeting with Marguerite Concrete

Mar­guerite Con­crete invit­ed the Lake Maspenock neigh­bor­hood to a meet­ing on 3/25 where they pre­sent­ed their new zon­ing map and plan for a three-floor build­ing on a par­cel on 70 South Street with an entrance and exit on Hay­ward Street. This is the cor­ner of South Street and Hayward. 

Neigh­bors raised sev­er­al con­cerns relat­ed to traf­fic vol­umes, res­i­dent safe­ty, dark night com­pli­ance, neighborhood/home pri­va­cy, and stormwa­ter management. 

The sum­ma­ry was pro­vid­ed by a res­i­dent who attend­ed the meet­ing and lives direct­ly across from the prop­er­ty in ques­tion. Thank you Vik and Rustem for your efforts to cre­ate this sum­ma­ry and peti­tion for those that could not attend.

While we appre­ci­ate the efforts of Mar­guerite Con­crete to attempt to work with the neigh­bor­hood to make their project amenable to our major con­cerns, the LMPA Exec­u­tive Board con­tin­ues to not sup­port the rezon­ing to rur­al busi­ness for mul­ti­ple rea­sons. It is impor­tant for any­one with per­son­al issues with the pro­pos­al to speak with their neigh­bors and oth­er town res­i­dents and encour­age them to sign the peti­tion and come out to the town meet­ing on May 1st to Vote No. 

See you around the lake!

LMPA Exec­u­tive Board