ConCom Notice of Intent — Update

On April 26th, the Hop­kin­ton Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion approved the Notice of Intent sub­mit­ted by the Hop­kin­ton DPW and the Cit­i­zens Input Group (CIG) to man­age the exces­sive inva­sive weeds in Lake Maspenock.  The next step is for the Com­mis­sion to pre­pare the Order of Con­di­tions for each treat­ment option. They will review and final­ize this doc­u­ment at their next meet­ing sched­uled for May 10th.

Each sea­son, the DPW along with the CIG will deter­mine if a treat­ment is nec­es­sary and select an option among the “tools in the tool­box”.  Once an option is select­ed, the DPW will return to the Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion to present their rea­sons for choos­ing that tool and show that they have or will meet all of the Orders of Con­di­tions set for that option.  The Com­mis­sion will then need to reach a con­sen­sus if that tool will offi­cial­ly be used.