Board of Health Meeting — August 12th

LMPA Membership,

Many of you attend­ed the most recent meet­ing of the Town of Hop­kin­ton Cit­i­zens Input Group that advis­es the DPW on weed assess­ment and man­age­ment for our lake.   Thank you for com­ing out and lis­ten­ing while also express­ing your opin­ions about the state of the weeds on the lake. 

A reminder that the Board of Health will be meet­ing at 5:30 pm on August 12th at the Hop­kin­ton Senior Cen­ter, 28 May­hew Street.    Please attend such that we can con­tin­ue the dia­logue about the extend­ed draw­down with the town.

Thank you,

Exec­u­tive Board and Offi­cers of the Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association