2023 State of the Lake

I want to start off with a very large thank you to each and every one of you for your con­tin­ued sup­port of the Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association! 

2023 Year in Review

Over­all we had a pro­duc­tive and fun-filled 2023. The Exec­u­tive Board con­tin­ued to meet month­ly and focused the major­i­ty of our efforts on the fight against the exces­sive weed growth tak­ing over many parts of the lake. The major con­cern remains how this con­tin­ued over­growth will neg­a­tive­ly impact the ecosys­tem and wildlife if left untreat­ed. Through­out the year, LMPA vol­un­teers and the Cit­i­zens Input Group (Town Weed Advi­so­ry Board) worked with the Hop­kin­ton DPW to pro­cure a weed con­trol com­pa­ny, but unfor­tu­nate­ly were not suc­cess­ful for mul­ti­ple rea­sons. How­ev­er, a con­trac­tor has sub­mit­ted a bid to con­duct the work in the spring of 2024 for spot treat­ments!  More to come on this. 

We suc­cess­ful­ly held all of our tra­di­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty build­ing events: Spring Fling, Light Up the Lake, 4th of July Boat Parade, the all time favorite Corn­Hole Tour­na­ment and round­ed out the sea­son with our annu­al tail­gate and Chili Cookoff to name a few. We are excit­ed to switch up a few things for 2024.  We’re mov­ing Spring Fling to a new loca­tion (see below) and we’re intro­duc­ing Pop-Up events that we are hop­ing our mem­bers will par­tic­i­pate in and even help initiate. 


Spring Fling New Loca­tion

Date: March 22 

Time: 6:30pm-10:30pm

Loca­tion: Cold Har­bor Brew­ery, 66 Otis Street, Westboro 

Spring Fling Event

Light up the Lake — *New date* 

May 26th (day before Memo­r­i­al Day)


These are spon­ta­neous, last minute events. Do you have a fun idea to get lake mem­bers togeth­er? Post it on our con­ver­sa­tion page with time and place and see who shows up! 

We are excit­ed to have received our first ever Marathon Bib! Although we were unable to find a  run­ner that lives around the lake, we found the next best thing.  A ded­i­cat­ed run­ner and ele­men­tary school teacher in Texas, Nicole Voto­la­to, who is relat­ed to the Voto­la­to fam­i­ly, long­time lake res­i­dents, and mem­bers of the LMPA. As a board we took an in depth look at where our fundrais­ing efforts should focus. In light of the most recent drown­ing of a 21 year old man after hours at Sandy Beach on July 21st 2023, the sec­ond drown­ing at the beach with­in 5 years, the need to have safe­ty equip­ment on hand to assist in locat­ing a per­son under­wa­ter in murky and weedy con­di­tions seemed evi­dent. For more infor­ma­tion on Nicole and the sonar device we hope to pur­chase, check out this link:  Aqua­eye-Sonar ‑Res­cue

We will con­tin­ue to update infor­ma­tion over the next few weeks lead­ing up to the Marathon, so stay tuned and please donate at https://lmpa.org/boston-marathon-bib-and-runner-for-lake-maspenock/

Thanks To Our Members

2024 looks to be anoth­er year full of promise for our asso­ci­a­tion. It is through your mem­ber­ship dues and ded­i­ca­tion as vol­un­teers that we will be able to main­tain and increase our efforts to work for a safer lake, to ensure the preser­va­tion of the pre­cious envi­ron­ment and ecosys­tem, and to pro­vide excit­ing events that are designed to bring togeth­er our neigh­bor­hoods from all around the lake into a close knit community. 

Here are some exam­ple of what your mem­ber­ship dues and vol­un­teerism helps us to do:

  • Work with Parks and Recre­ation to main­tain a safe beach environment 
  • Pro­vide sup­plies for all of our com­mu­ni­ty events includ­ing Spring Fling, Fam­i­ly Fun Day enter­tain­ment, Chili Cook-Off sup­plies, Corn­hole Tour­na­ment BBQ, the 4th of July Boat Parade and all of the oth­er events we so cherish.
  • Orga­nize  fall and spring Lake Com­mu­ni­ty Cleanup 
  • Stay informed of rezon­ing con­cerns and efforts by con­trac­tor to build in areas that could neg­a­tive­ly impact the lake and its watershed 
  • Pur­chase and install new NO WAKE ZONE buoys 
  • Pro­duce and main­tain sand­wich boards and all print­ing needs to keep every­one up to date on all events hap­pen­ing in our community
  • Spon­sor annu­al Boat Safe­ty inspections 
  • Exe­cute Water qual­i­ty test­ing to mon­i­tor through­out the spring, sum­mer, and fall
  • Work with town offi­cials to address the exces­sive weed growth includ­ing the prepa­ra­tion of an RFP for treat­ment of the weeds. 

And so much more…

This all hap­pens as a result of active plan­ning and par­tic­i­pa­tion efforts of our asso­ci­a­tion mem­bers. We can­not be as suc­cess­ful with­out your year­ly mem­ber­ship as well as your atten­dance at impor­tant town meet­ings and our com­mu­ni­ty events. 

If you are not a mem­ber, please con­sid­er join­ing our lake asso­ci­a­tion for only $35.00 per year. You can ALSO pur­chase your SPRING FLING tick­ets at this link through March 15th.

Mem­ber­ship | (lmpa.org)

If you are already a mem­ber, please remem­ber to renew your mem­ber­ship. If you are unsure of your mem­ber­ship sta­tus, have any ques­tions, or are inter­est­ed in vol­un­teer­ing, please email us at info@lmpa.org.   

Here’s to a great 2024!

Jaime Goncalves
LMPA Pres­i­dent 


March 22nd — Spring Fling at Cold Har­bor Brewery

April 6th — Spring Lake Clean up 9am-12pm @ Sandy Beach

May 13th — Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing with Membership

May 26th- Kick­ing off sum­mer with “Light Up the Lake”

June 9th — Fam­i­ly Fun Day @ Sandy Beach — 1pm-4pm

July 4th- Annu­al Boat Parade

July 27th — Annu­al Corn­hole Tournament

TBD- Chili cookoff/ Tail­gate Sept/Oct