Marguerite Concrete is going before ZAC again

Mar­guerite Con­crete is going before ZAC again on Mon­day July 29th at 7pm to con­tin­ue their quest to rezone the cor­ner of South Street/Hayward.
Mon­day, July 29, 2024 7:00 PM
Meet­ing ID: 835 9347 3297
Pass­code: 647196
1. 68–70SouthStreet/Hayward Street Rezon­ing Proposal
2. MBTA Com­mu­ni­ties Discussion
3. Min­utes of May22,2024

Access to Sandy Beach

We are work­ing hard with Parks and Rec to ensure res­i­dents only are access­ing the beach and boat ramp. We are work­ing on sig­nage and pos­si­bly revis­ing how sea­son and trail­er pass­es are sold. Some changes may seem incon­ve­nient for res­i­dents but things like requir­ing a license to pur­chase pass­es and walk­ers check­ing in at the tent will be very help­ful so please come to the beach prepared.

We real­ize there con­tin­ues to be sig­nif­i­cant safe­ty issues after 5 PM, espe­cial­ly with jet skis.

If you observe unsafe behav­ior or vio­la­tions (I.e. no exhaust on a jet ski, pulling a tuber or ski­er on a jet ski, etc), avoid con­fronta­tion and please call the HPD Dis­patch and/or Envi­ron­men­tal Police. If you can safe­ly doc­u­ment the unsafe behavior/violation, reg­is­tra­tion and/or trail­er num­bers that is helpful.

HPD dis­patch line 1–508-497‑3401

Envi­ron­men­tal Police — to report a vio­la­tion in progress: 1–800-632‑8075

We great­ly appre­ci­ate our lake community’s efforts to mod­el safe, law­ful boat­ing! Keep it up!



Appli­ca­tion: TODAY, Mon­day, June 17th 

NO SWIMMING, BOATING, or FISHING: Mon­day, June 17th & Tues­day, June 18th

Resume all activ­i­ties: Wednes­day, June 19th

Weed Treatment Update

Appli­ca­tion: MONDAY, JUNE 17th


Resume all activ­i­ties: Wednes­day, June 19th

There will be sig­nage post­ed by the town regard­ing the clo­sure and reopen­ing of the lake for the pub­lic start­ing Fri­day, June 14th.

Sandy Beach Opening Date Update!

Due to staffing, there will be NO life­guards on duty Memo­r­i­al Day week­end. Bath­rooms will be closed. 

Staffing at Sandy Beach on week­ends only will begin on June 8th. Week­ly staffing will begin on June 22nd. Please see below for full information.

Use of the Sandy Beach Park, includ­ing access to the boat launch, will be lim­it­ed to Hop­kin­ton res­i­dents only from Memo­r­i­al Day week­end through Labor Day week­end. Dur­ing this time, access to the park will require a sea­son­al pass or a dai­ly pass. The sea­son pass cov­ers every­one in your imme­di­ate family. 

Start­ing April 1st, you will be able to buy beach and trail­er sea­son pass­es to Sandy Beach online at . Start­ing May1st, you can pick up the pass­es at our office, 6 Wal­cott Street, dur­ing reg­u­lar busi­ness hours or direct­ly from the staff at Sandy Beach when the beach is open.

You can also pur­chase sea­son pass­es direct­ly from the staff at Sandy Beach when the beach is open . 

2024 Sandy Beach Sea­son Pass
$50  Fam­i­ly vehi­cle or walk in sea­son stick­er 
$10  Each addi­tion­al fam­i­ly stick­er. Lim­it of 2
$100 Boat trail­er, this includes one vehi­cle stick­er
Seniors 65+ free

Day pass­es are only avail­able for pur­chase from the staff at Sandy Beach.
2024 Sandy Beach Day Pass
$10 Fam­i­ly day pass up to 5 peo­ple
$10 Boat trail­er day pass. “Launch and leave” is NOT per­mit­ted.
Seniors 65+ free.

New this year, the Parks and Recre­ation Com­mis­sion has approved a pol­i­cy regard­ing pass pur­chas­es at Sandy Beach. Pass­es can only be pur­chased with a cred­it card or check. Cash will not be accepted.

Gen­er­al Infor­ma­tion
Beach Staff Onsite from 10:00am — 5:00pm
Week­ends Only: June 8 — June 16; August 18 — Sep­tem­ber 2
Week­ly: June 22 — August 18

All cars parked at Sandy Beach dur­ing this time, includ­ing hours when beach staff is not present, MUST have a pass dis­played on the wind­shield. Any vehi­cle with­out a pass is sub­ject to a $100 fine.

Bath­rooms and out­door show­er are only open while staff is present
Park­ing is locat­ed at 4 Lakeshore Dri­ve, Hopkinton

General Meeting of the Membership

MONDAY, MAY 13, 2024 — 7:00 PM

QUATTRO Restau­rant (new loca­tion), 22 South Street, Hopkinton

This is our annu­al meet­ing to dis­cuss cur­rent events, pro­vide updates with the com­mu­ni­ty regard­ing the lake health, hold elec­tions for open board seats (more info to come) and dis­cuss ques­tions, con­cerns and sug­ges­tions from mem­bers. We hope you can join us.
Please note the loca­tion change to Quat­tro!
There will be a cash bar and the LMPA will order ahead some light apps