Light Up the Lake — July 3rd

July 3rd- Fin­gers crossed the weath­er coop­er­ates for our annu­al Light Up the Lake (and boats) Mon­day night! The plan is to light up your yards and boats safe­ly, enjoy the view with your fam­i­ly and neigh­bors and get revved up for the 4th!!!

July 4th- Who will win the cov­et­ed Prop Tro­phy for the most cre­ative­ly dec­o­rat­ed boat!?? We can­not wait to see anoth­er great turnout!

Boat Parade 2pm at Sandy Beach!

May be an image of twilight and lake

See insights and ads

Boost post

Coast Guard Inspection — DATE CHANGE

All boats, jet skis, kayaks, pad­dle­boards, etc… free of charge. Sim­ply drove your boat over to the Logan’s dock and they will look over the equipment/life jackets/ etc in your boat and let you know what you’re miss­ing so you can stay safe on the water this sum­mer. If you hap­pen to meet all of the require­ments, you get a stick­er! Envi­ron­men­tal police take notice of these stick­ers and know that you are safe­ly equipped.

SATURDAY, JULY 8, 2023 AT 10 AM – 2 PM

The Logan Dock — 30 Lakeshore — Look for red bal­loons lakeside!

Sandy Beach Supervisor Needed!!!

Parks And Rec is look­ing for a Sandy Beach super­vi­sor for THIS SUMMER! We post­ed a few weeks back that they had found some­body but it looks like that’s not the case.

Ini­tial­ly, they required life­guard cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, but at this point pri­or­i­ty is to some­one with good man­age­ment skills that can help with sched­ul­ing the life­guards and help­ing the gate atten­dants man­age tick­et sales, and traf­fic at the entrance and exit.

Pro­gram Super­vi­sor, Sandy Beach (Qual­i­fi­ca­tions Revised) (

Hopkinton Parks & Recreation Commission Vacancy

Sandy Beach (includ­ing the park­ing lot and boat ramp) is a town park that is man­aged by Parks and Rec. This is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty for a lake com­mu­ni­ty mem­ber to be on the com­mis­sion to help sup­port Sandy Beach. Please for­ward if you know some­one who might be interested!

Hop­kin­ton Parks & Recre­ation Com­mis­sion Vacan­cy Announcement

The Parks & Recre­ation Com­mis­sion cur­rent­ly has one vacan­cy and the Town is seek­ing can­di­dates for the posi­tion. The term of office will expire at the May 2024 Annu­al Town election.

The Hop­kin­ton Parks & Recre­ation Com­mis­sion is an elect­ed five mem­ber body whose mis­sion is to pro­vide a sus­tain­able parks and recre­ation­al pro­gram that enhances the qual­i­ty of life for the Hop­kin­ton com­mu­ni­ty. The Parks and Recre­ation Com­mis­sion has respon­si­bil­i­ty for the devel­op­ment and acqui­si­tion of new parks and park land, the expan­sion or upgrade of exist­ing parks and park land, and the sched­ul­ing and oper­a­tion of recre­ation pro­grams; and shall have the pow­ers and duties that have been giv­en to the Parks and Recre­ation Com­mis­sions by the Mass­a­chu­setts Gen­er­al Laws, by Town Bylaw or by Town Meet­ing vote. The Parks and Recre­ation Com­mis­sion meets twice every month.

Inter­est­ed par­ties must be a reg­is­tered vot­er in the Town of Hop­kin­ton and should apply Online by Mon­day June 12th, 2023.

To apply, please vis­it the Town’s web­site and apply through the online vol­un­teer form here:

Town of Hop­kin­ton, MA: Boards. For fur­ther infor­ma­tion about the appli­ca­tion please con­tact Vasud­ha Dut­ta, at 508–497-9701 0r email at

Volunteer Opportunities Available!


We are always so thank­ful to all our vol­un­teers who help us orga­nize and exe­cute events but it goes beyond that. We have a lot of impor­tant mis­cel­la­neous tasks such as the sign boards, Wel­come Pails, and putting out and tak­ing in the buoys at Sandy Beach that we tru­ly appre­ci­ate any and all help from you, our mem­bers to make hap­pen. Please email us if you would like to help with the upcom­ing projects:

1. Con­struc­tion of a large wood­en sign to dis­play infor­ma­tion­al signs at the boat ramp (LMPA will pur­chase the sup­plies but need help build­ing the struc­ture for those who are handy with saws and drills)

2. Sign­boards — LMPA cre­ates the signs and they get print­ed at Sta­ples. Would love to find one or two peo­ple will­ing to take over pick­ing up the signs from Sta­ples, assem­bling the boards (see video), plac­ing them in their loca­tions, and pick­ing them up when the events are done. 

3. Installing the swim buoys and NO WAKE zone buoys at Sandy Beach (TBD but look­ing at mid-morn­ing 5/20 or 5/21)

4. Orga­niz­ing activities/refreshments for Fam­i­ly Fun Day (June 11th @2pm)

Thank you,

LMPA Exec­u­tive Board

Annual General Meeting — Monday, May 8th

A reminder that our Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing of Mem­ber­ship is this Monday.

5/8 Mon­day


KO Sushi, Upstairs

There will be light appe­tiz­ers served and cash bar. They are short on staff so any orders will need to go in through the bar down­stairs, so please plan accord­ing­ly and think about com­ing a lit­tle early.

If you would like to run for an open posi­tion or would like to nom­i­nate some­one, you may do so at the meeting.

This year we have three (3) LMPA Exec­u­tive Board Seats up for Elec­tion/Re-Elec­tion. Pres­i­dent, Sec­re­tary, and Board Mem­ber #1.

All posi­tions require an active membership.

Pres­i­dent: Pre­side over all meet­ings, draft agen­das, write State of the Lake, have a gen­er­al knowl­edge of all Asso­ci­a­tion activ­i­ties, rep­re­sent the asso­ci­a­tion at oth­er town boards/meetings (must have served at least 1 year on the Exec­u­tive board in order to run for President)

Sec­re­tary: Keep meet­ing min­utes and post to the web­site, gen­er­al knowl­edge of google dri­ve and web­site main­te­nance, man­age quar­ter­ly newslet­ter, man­age incoming/outgoing emails

Board posi­tion #1: Make rec­om­men­da­tions to the Asso­ci­a­tion, direct projects under­tak­en by the Asso­ci­a­tion, poten­tial­ly assume some respon­si­bil­i­ties of sec­re­tary such as newslet­ter, web­site main­te­nance or head up a subcommittee


Tues­day 5/2 Town Meet­ing Arti­cle 29

Come at 7pm!!!

Objec­tive #1: Vote NO against “No Action”

Speak­ing points (2 min­utes or less each per­son at the mic) The ini­tial main goal is to help the audi­ence under­stand WHY it is impor­tant that we take action TONIGHT on the arti­cle and not delay. (FYI- A yes vote means that there will be no action tak­en on the arti­cle tonight)

We will need a sim­ple major­i­ty of NO’s against no action. If we are suc­cess­ful, then we can make a motion to vote on the arti­cle tonight “as written”.

Objec­tive #2: Vote NO against Arti­cle 29

Speak­ing points (2 min­utes or less for each per­son at the mic) ALL the rea­sons every­one has been express­ing thus far for why we want this to remain res­i­den­tial lakefront.

If we are suc­cess­ful in mak­ing the motion and after pre­sen­ta­tions and pub­lic com­ment, then there will be a vote on the arti­cle request­ing to rezone to com­mer­cial, so the peti­tion­er will need 2/3 major­i­ty of YES’s to win the vote. VOTE NO if you do not want this prop­er­ty rezoned.