Current State of the Drawdown

We have received sev­er­al ques­tions about why the lake lev­els have remained so high giv­en the usu­al draw­down.    We con­firmed with the Town of Hop­kin­ton that the gate at the dam is opened ful­ly but due to the exces­sive rain we have not been able to get the lake low­er.   Hope­ful­ly the rains will sub­side such that the lake lev­el can be low­ered per pro­to­col, but there is noth­ing more we can do at this point.


The Town Weed Com­mit­tee and Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion both had meet­ings on Tues­day, 10/16/18.   A lake res­i­dent has report­ed to both the Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion and DPW that they have lost water dur­ing the extend­ed draw downs and in fact, have been impact­ed even dur­ing the nor­mal draw downs.  There­fore, only the nor­mal draw down will take place this year.

Two cours­es of action that are being pursued:

    —  A motion was made at the Town Weed Com­mit­tee meet­ing for the DPW to con­tact the Board of Health such that an assess­ment of their well can be done.    Once that is com­plete, a mit­i­ga­tion plan can be developed


    —  The Town Weed Com­mit­tee will work this win­ter to con­sid­er alter­na­tive method(s) of weed con­trol to be admin­is­tered in the spring giv­en the most recent weed survey.


We will keep you informed on any progress made.


The LMPA Exec­u­tive Board

Update on Extended Drawdown

As of today, Octo­ber 10, 2018, the Extend­ed Draw­down has not been approved by the Hop­kin­ton Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion. The heart of the issue involves a sin­gle home­own­er that has expressed con­cern they could be neg­a­tive­ly impact­ed due to their shal­low well. The LMPA is work­ing with the Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion as well as Depart­ment of Pub­lic Works on a solu­tion but we have been unsuc­cess­ful to date.

We will keep you informed as we con­tin­ue to address the sit­u­a­tion but as of today, lake res­i­dents should plan on nor­mal draw­down lev­els this winter.

Keeping our Lake Healthy

One of our LMPA mem­bers, Cyn­thia Esthimer, cre­at­ed this very infor­ma­tive brochure on Keep­ing Lake Maspenock Healthy.  Please take some time to read it, as it con­tains infor­ma­tion that we all can use in our own “front” yards.

Thank you Cyn­thia!  More infor­ma­tion to come regard­ing keep­ing our lake healthy!!  Stay tuned!!

Lake Wise Brochure 2018



LMPA Apparel with New Logo — Order Here!!


Don’t miss out on LMPA Appar­el with our new logo!!! 
For those who came to the Corn­hole tour­na­ment, you may have noticed we had sam­ple sizes of appar­el to try on. The logo will be on the upper left of the T‑shirts and long sleeve‘s and will be across the front of the tank tops. Below is the link to put in your order for what you would like.

1. In the com­ment sec­tion of the SIGN-UP GENIUS LINK, it is very impor­tant that you put what size you would like. 
2. We will be send­ing an invoice through Pay­Pal for you to pay for your item once you place your order.
3. The dead­line to order is August 31st!

We esti­mate anoth­er 4 to 6 weeks or so once we place the order for them to come in. We will put out a post and send an email and either arrange for drop off or pick up when the time comes.

Any ques­tions PM Sabine St Pierre. This is our first time doing it so please be patient with any glitch­es and we are cer­tain­ly open to sug­ges­tions for the next time around. We will plan for addi­tion­al items like hats, tow­els, decals, etc…



Hel­lo LMPA Membership!

We are pro­vid­ing the link below to an online sign-up sheet for food for the Corn­hole After Par­ty at the Sweeney’s house.  It’s a great way for us to keep track of who will bring what, and how much food we will have.

Just click the link and it brings you to a web­site (Sign Up Genius).

You can then select what you would like to bring to the party.

The LMPA will pro­vide hot dogs, ham­burg­ers, and pop­corn.  We will also pro­vide the paper prod­ucts and uten­sils.  There will be tables and plugs for crock pots to be plugged in.

Thank you in advance for help­ing out, see you on the 28th!!!

The LMPA E‑Board Offi­cers and Members