Become a Member/Renew Your Membership
The mission of the Lake Maspenock Preservation Association can only be met with the involvement of people like you. For more information about the benefits of membership, download our brochure: LMPA Brochure. If you would prefer to join or renew by mail, please download the Membership Form.
The LMPA appreciates your generosity and will use funds to further its mission and promote lake safety. Donations can be received via Venmo, PayPal, or by check via US mail.
IMPORTANT: If you are donating in support of a specific outreach or individual(s), please be sure to note that in the appropriate comments field via Venmo, PayPal, or on your check. LMPA’s tax registration number is 04–3167346. Confirmation letters will be provided to donors for tax purposes. And, if your employer provides a donation match, please help us further. Thank you!
To donate, use the link below to PayPal, the QR codes below, or search for
“Lake Maspenock” (@lmpa_mass) on either service. Remember to specify
what your payment is for in the comments.

Please specify what your payment is for in
the VENMO APP when submitting payments