Community Contacts

Addi­tion­al con­tact infor­ma­tion for the state of MA and town of Hopkinton.


MA Envi­ron­men­tal Police                                                                    508–753-0603

MA Depart­ment of Fish & Game                                             


Hop­kin­ton Fire Depart­ment Non Emer­gency                                 508–497-2325

Hop­kin­ton Police Non Emer­gency                                                    508–497-3401

Hop­kin­ton Parks & Recre­ation                                                          508–497-9750
Hop­kin­ton DPW                                                                               508–497-9740
Hop­kin­ton Water Depart­ment                                                         508–497-9765
Hop­kin­ton Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion                                            508–497-9745  
Con­tact: Kim­ber­ly Cia­ram­i­coli                                                                     

Hop­kin­ton Zon­ing Board                                                                    508–497- 9755
Con­tact: Chuck Kadlik 

Hop­kin­ton Plan­ning Board                                                                 508–497-9755
Con­tact: John Gelcich

Hop­kin­ton Town Man­ag­er                                                                 508–497-9701 
Con­tact: Nor­man Khu­ma­lo                                                              

Hop­kin­ton Select Board                                                                      508–497-9700

Hop­kin­ton Board of Health                                                                508–497-9725

Con­tact: Shaun McAuliffe

Lake Maspenock Weed Man­age­ment & Con­trol Advi­so­ry Group     

The His­to­ry of Lake Maspenock Web­site