Letter to the Editor: Don’t be Fooled at Town Meeting — HopNews
Update- The Planning Board voted unanimously to RECOMMEND Marguerite make a motion at Town Meeting for “no action”. This is only a recommendation. Marguerite can still decide to move forward with the motion to rezone to rural business and would need a 2/3 majority at Town Meeting to get that passed. Please still plan to attend town meeting since there is no guarantee they will make a motion for “no action”.
Planning Board Tonight 4/24 at 7pm
**Article 29 is STILL on the town warrant**
Regardless of what you are reading in the papers and online, we have confirmed that Marguerite missed the deadline to withdraw. They may or may not make a motion for “no action” at town meeting. Imperative, everyone still attend. 
Hayward/South street Rezone is #2 on the agenda tonight:
Join Zoom Meeting @ 7pm
Meeting ID: 834 1517 0306
Passcode: 057532
One tap mobile
+16468769923„83415170306# US (New York)
+16469313860„83415170306# US
It has come to our attention that some people have been running into a glitch trying to order their Spring Fling tickets via PayPal. We apologize for any inconvenience and have decided to leave the ticket price at $35.
We are also adding the option to use Venmo to purchase Spring Fling Tickets only:
1. include how many tickets you are purchasing (i.e. 1 ticket, 2 tickets)
2. Full name of person purchasing the tickets
3. best email address for our records.
(Please use PayPal or send a check to 50 Downey for membership).
We do, however encourage people to try to purchase their tickets in the next day or so as we have to give a headcount to the country club by tomorrow, Monday.
Tickets will still be available at the door.
SPRING FLING 2023 We have a LIVE BAND! The Felt will be there from 7:00 pm onward playing acoustics for arrival and the cocktail hour and then at 8:30, ramp it up a bit for some dancing! They are very conscious of sound level so those that aren’t into dancing can still enjoy conversations. Prices go up on April 22nd! Get Tickets! |
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2023 General Meeting May 8th at Ko! All members welcome. We have board positions available for nomination. If you are interested, please complete this form. Add to Your Calendar |
ADDITIONAL UPDATES: Weed Update As you likely know, the LMPA, Citizens Input Group (CIG), and Hopkinton DPW have been working on managing the problem weeds in Lake Maspenock for many years. Most recently, the Hopkinton DPW had been in the process of procuring a contractor to apply herbicides to the problem weeds in the lake. They sent out a Request For Proposal (RFP) in January with the intent of conducting an application of herbicides in late May/early June. Unfortunately, no companies responded to the initial RFP. The CIG and DPW initially agreed to send out a second RFP, however, the DPW decided to NOT send it out. While there was sufficient time to get the second RFP out, the town failed to do so. Now there is not enough time to secure a contractor, gain approval from the Hopkinton Conservation Commission, and conduct an application to the lake prior to the summer growing season. The LMPA Executive Board only recently became aware of this and is very disappointed in how this was handled. The board will continue to work with the CIG and DPW to secure a contractor for the Spring 2024 season. Town Meeting and Voting for Hayward/South Street Rezone Marguerite Concrete presented its plan to the Selectboard on Tuesday, April 11. Three members of our lake community made public comments, expressing major concerns about safety, the environment, and the last-minute nature of their submission. The Selectboard and Town manager felt Marguerite Concrete’s process was rushed and not ready for town meeting, especially since the proposed Development Agreement was just presented to them and only available to the neighborhood as of earlier this week. Therefore, there has been no conversations with abutters or LMPA regarding the Development Agreement and with town meeting only a few weeks away there’s not enough time to do due diligence. As of now, Marguerite Concrete appears to be keeping the proposal on the town warrant for the Town Meeting starting May 1st. We are unsure of which night this warrant will be discussed and voted on. This rezoning and proposed office building with 120 parking spots with an exit out onto Hayward Street will negatively impact those who use Hayward as a means of entrance and exit to the neighborhood and walk up to KO/Dunkin (among many other negative impacts). There’s also a major concern that Downey Street could become a cut-through should this proposal go through. What you can do: SPREAD THE WORD across town. Even though this doesn’t directly impact those outside the lake community, you can ask your friends and family living in town if they would want a business at the entrance to their neighborhood. We already have to deal with one, let’s not make it two. PLANNING BOARD MEETING APRIL 24th 7pm. Virtually attend the planning board meeting and share your thoughts and opinions. The planning board will be voting to either support or not support the rezoning. Attend the Virtual Planning Board Meeting GO TO TOWN MEETING — it is imperative that we get as many people as we can out to town meeting and vote NO on article 29. It’s difficult since we don’t know which night it will appear on, but you can start a text thread with some neighbors and send one representative to keep you informed of when it’s coming up so you can head over. Thank you, LMPA Executive Board |
IMPORTANT!! Select Board Meeting Tuesday, April 11th!!!
PLEASE READ below AND SHOW UP OR JOIN THE ZOOM TUESDAY 4/11 Selectboard meeting where Marguerite Concrete will be presenting their plan. We need voices of concern represented so the Selectboard knows how those in our lake neighborhood will be negatively affected by this project.
Forwarded Message:
Hi All,
I hope this note finds you well. I am requesting your support again in an important matter affecting our neighborhood. As you may already know, Marguerite Concrete has proposed a zoning conversion that would allow them to build a 24,000-square-foot, 35-foot-tall building with 120 parking lots that will house 50 employees, who will come and go as needed 70 South Street, with an entrance and exit on Hayward Street.
Many of us have voiced our concerns about this conversion’s negative impact on our community, including increased traffic, safety hazards, damaging the lake, and setting a precedent for a further industrial creep on all Hopkinton residential empty lots. We have also raised questions about the need for this specific building when there are many other available properties in Hopkinton.
As stated in the neighborhood meeting by Marguerite Concrete, representatives shared their plan to win the support of the Selectboard. You can read the details of what they are requesting on pages 120–140. Link — https://drive.google.com/…/15W5o…/view…
The Selectboard meeting on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, will provide an opportunity for us to voice our concerns and urge the board to vote against this zoning conversion. Whether you can attend in person or virtually via Zoom, your support and presence will make a significant impact. The public comment period is near the beginning of the meeting at 6:30 pm, and then the 70 South St discussion is later at about 7:15 pm as per the agenda.
Please note that it was clearly called out during the March 6th planning board meeting that there is no guarantee that the plans for the building will stay the same once the site is rezoned.
Please join us at the Selectboard meeting and show your support for our community. We need to stand together to protect our neighborhood and prevent industrial creep. The meeting details are as follows:
Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Room 215/216 — Hopkinton Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748
Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88983281788…
US: +1 309 205 3325 or +1 312 626 6799 or
Webinar ID: 889 8328 1788
Passcode: 012346
Thank you for your time and consideration. Let’s work together to keep our community safe and prosperous.
2023 Annual LMPA General Meeting — Monday, May 8th — 7:00 pm — Ko Sushi and Grill
This year’s Annual LMPA General Meeting will take place on Monday, May 8th. Start time is 7:00 pm. The meeting will take place at Ko Sushi and Grill on Hayward Street. This year we have three (3) LMPA Executive Board Seats up for Election/Re-Election. President, Secretary, and Board Member #1.
- President: preside over all meetings, draft agendas, write State of the Lake, have a general knowledge of all Association activities, represent the association at other town boards/meetings (must have served at least 1 year on the Executive board in order to run for President)
- Secretary: keep meeting minutes and post to the website, general knowledge of google drive and website maintenance, manage quarterly newsletter, manage incoming/outgoing emails
- Board position #1: make recommendations to the Association, direct projects undertaken by the Association, potentially assume some responsibilities of secretary such as newsletter, website maintenance or head up a subcommittee
If you or someone you know is interested in running, please fill out the nomination form by MAY 5th!
Election Nomination Form
All positions require at least one (1) year of active membership. If you are receiving this email, your member status is active.
The LMPA Executive Board
Lake Cleanup — DATE CHANGE — Sunday, April 2nd
Due to the inclement weather to arrive on Saturday, we are changing the date of the LMPA Lake Cleanup to SUNDAY, April 2nd at 9:00 am.
We will have a table set up at 9am in the beach parking lot with a map of the lake. We will assign families areas to clean up so we can hopefully hit as many places around the lake as possible.
Hope to see you on Sunday!
Hayward Street Rezoning Meeting with Marguerite Concrete
Marguerite Concrete invited the Lake Maspenock neighborhood to a meeting on 3/25 where they presented their new zoning map and plan for a three-floor building on a parcel on 70 South Street with an entrance and exit on Hayward Street. This is the corner of South Street and Hayward.
Neighbors raised several concerns related to traffic volumes, resident safety, dark night compliance, neighborhood/home privacy, and stormwater management.
The summary was provided by a resident who attended the meeting and lives directly across from the property in question. Thank you Vik and Rustem for your efforts to create this summary and petition for those that could not attend.
While we appreciate the efforts of Marguerite Concrete to attempt to work with the neighborhood to make their project amenable to our major concerns, the LMPA Executive Board continues to not support the rezoning to rural business for multiple reasons. It is important for anyone with personal issues with the proposal to speak with their neighbors and other town residents and encourage them to sign the petition and come out to the town meeting on May 1st to Vote No.
See you around the lake!
LMPA Executive Board
LMPA Spring Cleanup — Please Read!
We are keeping an eye on the weather and will make a decision by Friday morning, if we will move Lake Cleanup to Sunday, April 2nd from 9:00 am to 12:00pm. STAY TUNED!!!
Informational Meeting — March 25th — HCA
The proponents of the rezoning of the corner of Hayward and South Street are holding an informational meeting for the public on Saturday March 25th from 9:00 am to 10:30 am at the Barn Loft of the Hopkinton Center for the Arts.