We have a gor­geous evening ahead for our annu­al Spring Fling! The weath­er is coop­er­at­ing, the venue is set, band will be ready, now we need to fill the room with our lake community!

7:00 pm!! Tick­ets will be sold at the door $35 for mem­bers, $35 for mem­ber guests and $50 for non-members.


Update- The Plan­ning Board vot­ed unan­i­mous­ly to RECOMMEND Mar­guerite make a motion at Town Meet­ing for “no action”. This is only a rec­om­men­da­tion. Mar­guerite can still decide to move for­ward with the motion to rezone to rur­al busi­ness and would need a 2/3 major­i­ty at Town Meet­ing to get that passed. Please still plan to attend town meet­ing since there is no guar­an­tee they will make a motion for “no action”.

Plan­ning Board Tonight 4/24 at 7pm

**Arti­cle 29 is STILL on the town warrant**

Regard­less of what you are read­ing in the papers and online, we have con­firmed that Mar­guerite missed the dead­line to with­draw. They may or may not make a motion for “no action” at town meet­ing. Imper­a­tive, every­one still attend. 

Hayward/South street Rezone is #2 on the agen­da tonight:

Join Zoom Meet­ing @ 7pm


Meet­ing ID: 834 1517 0306

Pass­code: 057532

One tap mobile

+16468769923„83415170306# US (New York)

+16469313860„83415170306# US


It has come to our atten­tion that some peo­ple have been run­ning into a glitch try­ing to order their Spring Fling tick­ets via Pay­Pal. We apol­o­gize for any incon­ve­nience and have decid­ed to leave the tick­et price at $35.

We are also adding the option to use Ven­mo to pur­chase Spring Fling Tick­ets only:

1. include how many tick­ets you are pur­chas­ing (i.e. 1 tick­et, 2 tickets)

2. Full name of per­son pur­chas­ing the tickets

3. best email address for our records.

(Please use Pay­Pal or send a check to 50 Downey for membership).

We do, how­ev­er encour­age peo­ple to try to pur­chase their tick­ets in the next day or so as we have to give a head­count to the coun­try club by tomor­row, Monday.

Tick­ets will still be avail­able at the door.

May be an image of lake and text that says 'Lake Maspenock Preserv. Ass... @LMPA-Social_Payments venmo'


We have a LIVE BAND! The Felt will be there from 7:00 pm onward play­ing acoustics for arrival and the cock­tail hour and then at 8:30, ramp it up a bit for some danc­ing! They are very con­scious of sound lev­el so those that aren’t into danc­ing can still enjoy con­ver­sa­tions.

Prices go up on April 22nd!

Get Tick­ets!

Gen­er­al Meet­ing May 8th at Ko! All mem­bers wel­come. We have board posi­tions avail­able for nom­i­na­tion. If you are inter­est­ed, please com­plete this form.

Add to Your Calendar

Weed Update
As you like­ly know, the LMPA, Cit­i­zens Input Group (CIG), and Hop­kin­ton DPW have been work­ing on man­ag­ing the prob­lem weeds in Lake Maspenock for many years. Most recent­ly, the Hop­kin­ton DPW had been in the process of procur­ing a con­trac­tor to apply her­bi­cides to the prob­lem weeds in the lake. They sent out a Request For Pro­pos­al (RFP) in Jan­u­ary with the intent of con­duct­ing an appli­ca­tion of her­bi­cides in late May/early June. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, no com­pa­nies respond­ed to the ini­tial RFP. The CIG and DPW ini­tial­ly agreed to send out a sec­ond RFP, how­ev­er, the DPW decid­ed to NOT send it out. While there was suf­fi­cient time to get the sec­ond RFP out, the town failed to do so. Now there is not enough time to secure a con­trac­tor, gain approval from the Hop­kin­ton Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion, and con­duct an appli­ca­tion to the lake pri­or to the sum­mer grow­ing sea­son.

The LMPA Exec­u­tive Board only recent­ly became aware of this and is very dis­ap­point­ed in how this was han­dled. The board will con­tin­ue to work with the CIG and DPW to secure a con­trac­tor for the Spring 2024 sea­son.

Town Meet­ing and Vot­ing for Hayward/South Street Rezone

Mar­guerite Con­crete pre­sent­ed its plan to the Select­board on Tues­day, April 11. Three mem­bers of our lake com­mu­ni­ty made pub­lic com­ments, express­ing major con­cerns about safe­ty, the envi­ron­ment, and the last-minute nature of their sub­mis­sion.

The Select­board and Town man­ag­er felt Mar­guerite Concrete’s process was rushed and not ready for town meet­ing, espe­cial­ly since the pro­posed Devel­op­ment Agree­ment was just pre­sent­ed to them and only avail­able to the neigh­bor­hood as of ear­li­er this week. There­fore, there has been no con­ver­sa­tions with abut­ters or LMPA regard­ing the Devel­op­ment Agree­ment and with town meet­ing only a few weeks away there’s not enough time to do due dili­gence.

As of now, Mar­guerite Con­crete appears to be keep­ing the pro­pos­al on the town war­rant for the Town Meet­ing start­ing May 1st. We are unsure of which night this war­rant will be dis­cussed and vot­ed on.

This rezon­ing and pro­posed office build­ing with 120 park­ing spots with an exit out onto Hay­ward Street will neg­a­tive­ly impact those who use Hay­ward as a means of entrance and exit to the neigh­bor­hood and walk up to KO/Dunkin (among many oth­er neg­a­tive impacts). There’s also a major con­cern that Downey Street could become a cut-through should this pro­pos­al go through.

What you can do:
SPREAD THE WORD across town. Even though this doesn’t direct­ly impact those out­side the lake com­mu­ni­ty, you can ask your friends and fam­i­ly liv­ing in town if they would want a busi­ness at the entrance to their neigh­bor­hood. We already have to deal with one, let’s not make it two.
 PLANNING BOARD MEETING APRIL 24th 7pm. Vir­tu­al­ly attend the plan­ning board meet­ing and share your thoughts and opin­ions. The plan­ning board will be vot­ing to either sup­port or not sup­port the rezon­ing. Attend the Vir­tu­al Plan­ning Board Meet­ing

GO TO TOWN MEETING — it is imper­a­tive that we get as many peo­ple as we can out to town meet­ing and vote NO on arti­cle 29. It’s dif­fi­cult since we don’t know which night it will appear on, but you can start a text thread with some neigh­bors and send one rep­re­sen­ta­tive to keep you informed of when it’s com­ing up so you can head over.

Thank you,
LMPA Exec­u­tive Board

IMPORTANT!! Select Board Meeting Tuesday, April 11th!!!

PLEASE READ below AND SHOW UP OR JOIN THE ZOOM TUESDAY 4/11 Select­board meet­ing where Mar­guerite Con­crete will be pre­sent­ing their plan. We need voic­es of con­cern rep­re­sent­ed so the Select­board knows how those in our lake neigh­bor­hood will be neg­a­tive­ly affect­ed by this project.

For­ward­ed Message:

Hi All,

I hope this note finds you well. I am request­ing your sup­port again in an impor­tant mat­ter affect­ing our neigh­bor­hood. As you may already know, Mar­guerite Con­crete has pro­posed a zon­ing con­ver­sion that would allow them to build a 24,000-square-foot, 35-foot-tall build­ing with 120 park­ing lots that will house 50 employ­ees, who will come and go as need­ed 70 South Street, with an entrance and exit on Hay­ward Street.

Many of us have voiced our con­cerns about this con­ver­sion’s neg­a­tive impact on our com­mu­ni­ty, includ­ing increased traf­fic, safe­ty haz­ards, dam­ag­ing the lake, and set­ting a prece­dent for a fur­ther indus­tri­al creep on all Hop­kin­ton res­i­den­tial emp­ty lots. We have also raised ques­tions about the need for this spe­cif­ic build­ing when there are many oth­er avail­able prop­er­ties in Hopkinton.

As stat­ed in the neigh­bor­hood meet­ing by Mar­guerite Con­crete, rep­re­sen­ta­tives shared their plan to win the sup­port of the Select­board. You can read the details of what they are request­ing on pages 120–140. Link — https://drive.google.com/…/15W5o…/view…

The Select­board meet­ing on Tues­day, April 11, 2023, will pro­vide an oppor­tu­ni­ty for us to voice our con­cerns and urge the board to vote against this zon­ing con­ver­sion. Whether you can attend in per­son or vir­tu­al­ly via Zoom, your sup­port and pres­ence will make a sig­nif­i­cant impact. The pub­lic com­ment peri­od is near the begin­ning of the meet­ing at 6:30 pm, and then the 70 South St dis­cus­sion is lat­er at about 7:15 pm as per the agenda.

Please note that it was clear­ly called out dur­ing the March 6th plan­ning board meet­ing that there is no guar­an­tee that the plans for the build­ing will stay the same once the site is rezoned.

Please join us at the Select­board meet­ing and show your sup­port for our com­mu­ni­ty. We need to stand togeth­er to pro­tect our neigh­bor­hood and pre­vent indus­tri­al creep. The meet­ing details are as follows:

Date: Tues­day, April 11, 2023

Time: 6:00 PM

Loca­tion: Room 215/216 — Hop­kin­ton Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hop­kin­ton, MA 01748

Zoom Meet­ing Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88983281788…

US: +1 309 205 3325 or +1 312 626 6799 or

Webi­nar ID: 889 8328 1788

Pass­code: 012346

Thank you for your time and con­sid­er­a­tion. Let’s work togeth­er to keep our com­mu­ni­ty safe and prosperous.

2023 Annual LMPA General Meeting — Monday, May 8th — 7:00 pm — Ko Sushi and Grill

This year’s Annu­al LMPA Gen­er­al Meet­ing will take place on Mon­day, May 8th. Start time is 7:00 pm. The meet­ing will take place at Ko Sushi and Grill on Hay­ward Street. This year we have three (3) LMPA Exec­u­tive Board Seats up for Elec­tion/Re-Elec­tion. Pres­i­dent, Sec­re­tary, and Board Mem­ber #1. 

  • Pres­i­dent: pre­side over all meet­ings, draft agen­das, write State of the Lake, have a gen­er­al knowl­edge of all Asso­ci­a­tion activ­i­ties, rep­re­sent the asso­ci­a­tion at oth­er town boards/meetings (must have served at least 1 year on the Exec­u­tive board in order to run for President)
  • Sec­re­tary: keep meet­ing min­utes and post to the web­site, gen­er­al knowl­edge of google dri­ve and web­site main­te­nance, man­age quar­ter­ly newslet­ter, man­age incoming/outgoing emails 
  • Board posi­tion #1: make rec­om­men­da­tions to the Asso­ci­a­tion, direct projects under­tak­en by the Asso­ci­a­tion, poten­tial­ly assume some respon­si­bil­i­ties of sec­re­tary such as newslet­ter, web­site main­te­nance or head up a subcommittee

If you or some­one you know is inter­est­ed in run­ning, please fill out the nom­i­na­tion form by MAY 5th!

Elec­tion Nom­i­na­tion Form
All posi­tions require at least one (1) year of active mem­ber­ship. If you are receiv­ing this email, your mem­ber sta­tus is active.

Add meet­ing to calendar

The LMPA Exec­u­tive Board

Lake Cleanup — DATE CHANGE — Sunday, April 2nd

Due to the inclement weath­er to arrive on Sat­ur­day, we are chang­ing the date of the LMPA Lake Cleanup to SUNDAY, April 2nd at 9:00 am. 

We will have a table set up at 9am in the beach park­ing lot with a map of the lake. We will assign fam­i­lies areas to clean up so we can hope­ful­ly hit as many places around the lake as possible.

Hope to see you on Sunday!

Hayward Street Rezoning Meeting with Marguerite Concrete

Mar­guerite Con­crete invit­ed the Lake Maspenock neigh­bor­hood to a meet­ing on 3/25 where they pre­sent­ed their new zon­ing map and plan for a three-floor build­ing on a par­cel on 70 South Street with an entrance and exit on Hay­ward Street. This is the cor­ner of South Street and Hayward. 

Neigh­bors raised sev­er­al con­cerns relat­ed to traf­fic vol­umes, res­i­dent safe­ty, dark night com­pli­ance, neighborhood/home pri­va­cy, and stormwa­ter management. 

The sum­ma­ry was pro­vid­ed by a res­i­dent who attend­ed the meet­ing and lives direct­ly across from the prop­er­ty in ques­tion. Thank you Vik and Rustem for your efforts to cre­ate this sum­ma­ry and peti­tion for those that could not attend.

While we appre­ci­ate the efforts of Mar­guerite Con­crete to attempt to work with the neigh­bor­hood to make their project amenable to our major con­cerns, the LMPA Exec­u­tive Board con­tin­ues to not sup­port the rezon­ing to rur­al busi­ness for mul­ti­ple rea­sons. It is impor­tant for any­one with per­son­al issues with the pro­pos­al to speak with their neigh­bors and oth­er town res­i­dents and encour­age them to sign the peti­tion and come out to the town meet­ing on May 1st to Vote No. 

See you around the lake!

LMPA Exec­u­tive Board

LMPA Spring Cleanup — Please Read!

We are keep­ing an eye on the weath­er and will make a deci­sion by Fri­day morn­ing, if we will move Lake Cleanup to Sun­day, April 2nd from 9:00 am to 12:00pm. STAY TUNED!!!