Resource from Riverside Trauma Center

Dawn Alcott of Hop­kin­ton Youth and Fam­i­ly Ser­vices was kind enough to send over some help­ful infor­ma­tion to help fam­i­lies deal with the trau­mat­ic event at Sandy Beach and noti­fi­ca­tion of a meet­ing to be held this Wednesday.

Here is a link for talk­ing with Chil­dren About Trau­mat­ic Events

On Wednes­day, June 5th, at 7:00 pm Jim McCauley of River­side Trau­ma Cen­ter, will be com­ing to the Senior Cen­ter for sup­port and dis­cus­sion relat­ed to the trau­mat­ic event  at Sandy Beach. He will join Youth and Fam­i­ly Ser­vices in pro­vid­ing sup­port to the com­mu­ni­ty and help­ing us deter­mine the next steps toward ongo­ing sup­port for all of those impact­ed.
Please reach out to me with any ques­tions or con­cerns.  
Warm­ly, Dawn
Dawn Alcott, LICSW Direc­tor
Hop­kin­ton Youth & Fam­i­ly Ser­vices
Town of Hop­kin­ton
18 Main Street
Hop­kin­ton, MA 01748508–435-2139 x1449

Recent Events at Sandy Beach

LMPA Mem­bers and Neighbors:

As you may have heard, a tragedy occurred yes­ter­day at Sandy Beach around 5 pm.    A 9 year old boy was pulled from the water after being sub­merged for 10–15 min­utes.   Local res­i­dents sprung into action in order to locate and bring the boy to shore where life sav­ing efforts were made by pro­fes­sion­als who had arrived on the scene.    As of Sun­day evening, the boy was being treat­ed at UMASS Memo­r­i­al Hos­pi­tal in Worces­ter.

Although it does­n’t reduce the sig­nif­i­cance of this tragedy, it is impor­tant to know that this occurred well after Fam­i­ly Fun Day had con­clud­ed and that the boy did not attend the event ear­li­er that day.     Some news reports have erro­neous­ly report­ed that the near drown­ing occurred dur­ing the Fam­i­ly Fun Day Event.

This will be a top­ic of dis­cus­sion at tonight’s meet­ing of the Gen­er­al Mem­ber­ship.   We hope to see you there.
Thank you,

The Offi­cers and Board of the Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association 

4th Annual Cornhole Tournament Registration Open!

Reg­is­tra­tion for the LMPA  Corn­hole Tour­na­ment is now open.  The tour­na­ment will be held on Sat­ur­day, July 27, 2019, at var­i­ous homes around the lake.  The tour­na­ment will begin at 12 noon.

Tro­phies and cash prizes will be awarded.

We will cap reg­is­tra­tion at 24 teams with 2 play­ers on each team.  One per­son on each team must be an LMPA Mem­ber.  The cost to play is $50.00 per team.

There will be a pot luck gath­er­ing fol­low­ing the tour­na­ment. Stay tuned for a SignUp Genius spread­sheet to be shared for what types of food we would like you to bring.

Please email us the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion:
Names of Both Play­ers
E‑mail address­es for each play­er
Cell phone num­bers
Team name

Pay­ment can be made on our web­site,, via Pay­Pal on the Mem­ber­ship Tab or by mail­ing a check payable to the LMPA and sent to:
LMPA (Tina Mac­Connell)
6 Downey Street
Hop­kin­ton, MA 01748 
Please note that we can only con­firm a team once pay­ment is received for both team mem­bers.

Corn­hole rules, menu requests and host infor­ma­tion to fol­low
Fin­gers crossed for anoth­er beau­ti­ful day!!
Thank you,
The LMPA Corn­hole Committee

Annual General Membership Meeting — Monday, June 3rd



Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

Web­site:         Email:


June 3, 2019


To: The Membership

       Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association


The Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Asso­ci­a­tion will hold it’s Annu­al Asso­ci­a­tion Meet­ing on Mon­day, June 3, 2019 at 7:00 PM.  The loca­tion of the meet­ing is KO Restau­rant, locat­ed at the cor­ner of Hay­ward and South Street, where we will be meet­ing on the 2nd floor.  Attend­ing this meet­ing is impor­tant because the annu­al elec­tions for open posi­tions on the exec­u­tive board are held and updates are pro­vid­ed con­cern­ing asso­ci­a­tion activ­i­ties and on-going projects.  Also, there will be an open forum for all mem­bers to ask ques­tions and express their ideas and con­cerns about issues affect­ing the lake area.


Annu­al elec­tions for posi­tions on the Exec­u­tive Board will be held.  The fol­low­ing posi­tions are up for election:

  • Trea­sur­er          Cur­rent­ly held by Tina Mac­Connell    Seek­ing re-election
  • Exec­u­tive #3    Cur­rent­ly held by Mike Riley               Seek­ing re-election
  • Exec­u­tive #4    Cur­rent­ly held by Mark Sex­ton           Seek­ing re-election


Any­one inter­est­ed in serv­ing in any of the cur­rent or poten­tial­ly open posi­tions should con­tact the asso­ci­a­tion in advance so we can add you to the bal­lot dis­cus­sions.  Please note that to be eli­gi­ble to serve as an offi­cer or exec­u­tive board mem­ber you must have been an asso­ci­a­tion mem­ber for at least 1 year.


Please make every effort to attend this meet­ing.  It is impor­tant that the mem­ber­ship be active­ly involved in our orga­ni­za­tion.  Light hors d’oeuvres will be pro­vid­ed.  Cash bar Available.




The Offi­cers and Exec­u­tive Board Members

Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association


Vol­un­teers need­ed! Grab your fam­i­ly and neigh­bors and come join us for this great lake com­mu­ni­ty event. More hands make for quick­er work and a beau­ti­ful lake!! Start­ing at 9am, we will be hand­ing out gloves and trash bags along with some cof­fee, hot choco­late and donuts to charge every­one up. Then head out, gath­er as much trash as you can from around the lake and meet us back at Sandy Beach around 11/11:30 for piz­za and some social time with fel­low lake neighbors.

Current Status of Water Levels

We want­ed to pro­vide a brief update from the DPW on the cur­rent sta­tus of the water lev­el of Lake Maspenock: 
After a very late ice out this year, we have the gate closed as much as pos­si­ble to still allow for the required down­stream flow. We have seen the lev­el com­ing up around the 1″ per day mark and are cur­rent­ly at 39″ below the spill­way. As soon as the rains pick up again that should increase.  Also the plan is to make repairs to the gate dur­ing the fall draw­down to min­i­mize dis­rup­tion to levels.

State of the Lake 2018

Dear LMPA Cur­rent, Past and Future Members,

Our vibrant lake com­mu­ni­ty wel­comes all our new friends and neigh­bors that have dis­cov­ered our “lit­tle slice of heav­en”. Look­ing back, 2018 was a busy year for the LMPA. We con­tin­ued to work close­ly with the Town of Hop­kin­ton Board of Select­men appoint­ed, Lake Maspenock Aquat­ic Veg­e­ta­tion Con­trol Man­age­ment Advi­so­ry Group (Advi­so­ry Group), who reports to the Direc­tor of the Depart­ment of Pub­lic Works (DPW). As you may recall, this group was formed three years ago to work hand-in-hand with the Cer­ti­fied Lake Man­ag­er (Con­sul­tant) and con­cerned cit­i­zens to cre­ate a com­pre­hen­sive man­age­ment, con­trol and mon­i­tor­ing plan for our lake. The plan can be found on the LMPA web­site at

In keep­ing with the plan, two exten­sive weed sur­veys were con­duct­ed in the spring and fall by the Advi­so­ry Group. Fall sur­vey results showed a sub­stan­tial increase in weed growth. Every three years, the lake is eli­gi­ble for an extend­ed draw­down, this year being the third. Work­ing togeth­er, the DPW and LMPA request­ed from the Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion (Con­Comm) an extend­ed draw down to be con­duct­ed this last fall. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, con­cerns of los­ing access to water from one prop­er­ty own­er on the lake result­ed in Con­Comm deny­ing the extend­ed draw down request. The Advi­so­ry Group, DPW and LMPA are com­mit­ted to work­ing with the prop­er­ty own­ers and Con­Comm to seek res­o­lu­tion to this issue pri­or to next fall. In the mean­time, the Advi­so­ry Group will con­tin­ue to explore oth­er poten­tial weed treat­ment meth­ods, espe­cial­ly for the high growth and recre­ation­al areas.

Our annu­al meet­ing was held at Ko’s Sushi Bar and Grill and proved to be a night with good atten­dance and great input from our mem­ber­ship. At this meet­ing, Mal­colm Page who served as Pres­i­dent for many years and par­tic­i­pat­ed as an active mem­ber for many, many more, stepped down from the Exec­u­tive Board. We thank Mal­colm for his ded­i­ca­tion and ser­vice to the LMPA and for all that was accom­plished dur­ing his tenure.

The social com­mit­tee had a very active year and we thank them for their hard work and cre­ativ­i­ty. The long stand­ing win­ter social evolved into the Spring Fling last April and was held at the Hop­kin­ton Coun­try Club. This event proved a great suc­cess with over 100 mem­bers attend­ing to enjoy a night of music and danc­ing while catch­ing up with friends, meet­ing new neigh­bors, and enjoy­ing great appe­tiz­ers. We tru­ly hope to see every­one again at this year’s Spring Fling. We encour­age all to check out the enclosed fly­er and pur­chase your tick­ets early!

Oth­er com­mu­ni­ty events host­ed by the Social Com­mit­tee includ­ed Fam­i­ly Fun Day where once again Ani­mal Adven­tures was a huge hit with the kids.    Fun was had by all par­tic­i­pat­ing in the sand cas­tle build­ing con­test, play­ing games and of course enjoy­ing good food!  The 4th of July Boat Parade was brought to anoth­er lev­el as boat own­ers showed out­stand­ing cre­ativ­i­ty with the Sweeney’s boat win­ning the trav­el­ing prop tro­phy for their Ski Nau­tique turned into a tub with bub­bles for… “some good clean fun”. We held our 3rd Annu­al LMPA Corn­hole Tour­na­ment with out­stand­ing mem­ber­ship par­tic­i­pa­tion lake wide. Sev­er­al new hous­es vol­un­teered as host hous­es for our 24 teams in this dou­ble elim­i­na­tion event. Spe­cial thanks for those host­ing and to the Sweeneys for again host­ing the finals and after par­ty. This year we held the 3rd annu­al Chili Cook Off/Tail Gate Par­ty with Rich Shep­hard win­ning best tra­di­tion­al chili and Ryan Jones best untra­di­tion­al chili.

Safe­ty and stew­ard­ship of the lake con­tin­ued as we worked with the envi­ron­men­tal police to offer a free boat­ing safe­ty course to mem­bers and the pub­lic last spring. Boat­ing safe­ty is a pri­or­i­ty and we encour­age all  our mem­bers, neigh­bors and boat own­ers to “self police” our lake. If you observe peo­ple com­pro­mis­ing safe­ty, please speak with them.   Water qual­i­ty checks are con­duct­ed three times a year in mul­ti­ple loca­tions around the lake. These results are post­ed on our web­site and demon­strate con­sis­tent­ly that we have a healthy lake. We held two high­ly suc­cess­ful lake clean up days, one in the spring and one in the fall. A big thanks to Harvey’s for donat­ing the dump­ster. A new addi­tion to our com­mit­tee efforts is the “Lake Wise” pro­gram being head­ed up by Cyn­thia Esthimer.

You may have noticed a new look for the LMPA. A big thanks goes out to LMPA mem­ber and design­er, Mark Camp­bell for design­ing our new logo! We have incor­po­rat­ed this logo onto our LMPA gear that will be avail­able to pur­chase at events and peri­od­i­cal­ly through­out the year. Our LMPA com­mu­ni­ty is thriv­ing and con­tin­ues to grow.  Dues are $35 annu­al­ly or $65 for a two-year mem­ber­ship, payable by check writ­ten out to LMPA and mailed to 6 Downey Street Hop­kin­ton, MA or via the Pay­Pal link on our web­site at www.LMPA,org. In an effort to be envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly and cut down on costs, we strive to com­mu­ni­cate elec­tron­i­cal­ly. If your email changes, please let us know by email­ing

As this let­ter reflects all our accom­plish­ments as a com­mu­ni­ty of ded­i­cat­ed vol­un­teers, we hope you agree 2018 was a great year for the lake! Look­ing for­ward to 2019, we ask mem­bers to remain cur­rent in your mem­ber­ship, encour­age friends to join as mem­bers (You don’t have to live on the lake to join!) and par­tic­i­pate by get­ting involved in our many events and vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties. We have oppor­tu­ni­ties to vol­un­teer on sev­er­al com­mit­tees includ­ing the His­tor­i­cal Com­mit­tee, the new “Lake Wise” pro­gram and Social Committee. 

We invite you to check out pho­tos from all com­mu­ni­ty events that can be found on our web­site at Also found on our web­site are events post­ed for 2019 such as the new “Light up the Night” event.  Please check it out and mark your cal­en­dar. Take some time to check us out on Face­book and be sure to “like” us to stay informed of updates and events. As always, we look to our mem­bers to take advan­tage of oppor­tu­ni­ties to vol­un­teer for events and on committees.

We thank you for your sup­port of the LMPA, look for­ward to a great year in 2019 and hope to see you at the Spring Fling!



The Exec­u­tive Board and Offi­cers of the LMPA

Lake Wise Meeting — Wednesday, March 13th

Still look­ing for vol­un­teers for the Lake Wise project! Cyn­thia Esthimer is host­ing anoth­er meet­ing on Wednes­day, March 13th at 6:00 pm at her home at 118 Hay­ward St. Plans are to brain­storm and fur­ther sketch out what a ‘Lake Wise’ pro­gram might look at and how to pro­ceed. Please respond it you would be inter­est­ed in join­ing this new, excit­ing program!

LMPA March Madness NIGHT OUT — Pinz, Milford — March 21st

By March, we ALL need some­thing to look for­ward too!  We thought it would be fun to get out of the house and head to Pinz where they have some­thing for everyone.

Bring the fam­i­ly, or get a sit­ter and make it a date night, bowl, play arcades or just hang out at the bar and catch up with lake friends and neighbors.

Thurs­day, March 21st

5:30 pm — 11:00 pm

Check out our event page on Face­book and let us know if you are coming!

LMPA March Mad­ness NIGHT OUT