Current State of the Drawdown

We have received sev­er­al ques­tions about why the lake lev­els have remained so high giv­en the usu­al draw­down.    We con­firmed with the Town of Hop­kin­ton that the gate at the dam is opened ful­ly but due to the exces­sive rain we have not been able to get the lake low­er.   Hope­ful­ly the rains will sub­side such that the lake lev­el can be low­ered per pro­to­col, but there is noth­ing more we can do at this point.

Keeping our Lake Healthy

One of our LMPA mem­bers, Cyn­thia Esthimer, cre­at­ed this very infor­ma­tive brochure on Keep­ing Lake Maspenock Healthy.  Please take some time to read it, as it con­tains infor­ma­tion that we all can use in our own “front” yards.

Thank you Cyn­thia!  More infor­ma­tion to come regard­ing keep­ing our lake healthy!!  Stay tuned!!

Lake Wise Brochure 2018



Introducing our new logo!!!

We intro­duced our new logo at the Annu­al Meet­ing last night.

A big shout out thank you to Mark Camp­bell for design­ing this for the Asso­ci­a­tion and for donat­ing your time and expertise!!!

Stay tuned, we are going to try to open a vir­tu­al “store” so you can buy mer­chan­dise online (t‑shirts, hats, etc.)

We will keep you updat­ed when we get that up and running.

Boating Safety Classes — 2017

The Boat­ing Safe­ty Class for 2017 will be held on Sat­ur­day, March 25, 2017  and Sat­ur­day, April 1, 2017 at the Hop­kin­ton Faith Com­mu­ni­ty Church, in Hop­kin­ton. This is a TWO FULL DAY class, details are in the link below.  This class fills up quick­ly, so if you are inter­est­ed, please sign up ASAP!