Executive Board Meeting Minutes from September 1, 2015

Exec. bd meet­ing min­utes ‑090115

Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

Web­site: www.lmpa.org         Email: lmpa.org@verizon.net

Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

Exec­u­tive Board Meet­ing Minutes

Sep­tem­ber 1, 2015


Atten­dance:  Mal­colm, Drew, Pat­ty, Tina, Mike, Sabine, Matt, Jaime

Start time:     7:15 pm


  1. Treasurer’s Report – no changes from last meeting

Reg­u­lar account:  $4,016.68

Weed Fund:  $4,957.08

Con­stant new mem­ber­ships and dona­tions com­ing in.


  1. Review and dis­cuss any changes or clar­i­fi­ca­tions to the meet­ing min­utes from August 10th Bd. Meet­ing.  Vote to accept the min­utes, post meet­ing min­utes to the web­site after board approval

Min­utes not avail­able, Pat­ty to send to E‑Board at a lat­er date for approval.  Will vote to accept at next meeting.


  1. Extend­ed Draw Down

Dave Gibbs called Spin­del Island fam­i­ly, they have agreed to $1,000 to move and allow Extend­ed Draw Down with no issues

Mike put togeth­er a hous­ing agree­ment for them to sign.

Pay­ment will be made 10/1 out of reg­u­lar funds, with the inten­tion to ask Board of Select­men to reim­burse LMPA from the Weed Funds approved by Town Meet­ing.  This should be turned over to the Town in the future.


  1. Bio­log­i­cal Survey

            Bio­log­i­cal sur­vey was com­plet­ed by ACT on 8/31/15.  AB Aquat­ics (DASH com­pa­ny) to do com­pre­hen­sive sur­vey of the lake in Sep­tem­ber to deter­mine worst areas to be focused on.  They will give results once com­plet­ed to LMPA and the Town.

  1. Dis­solved Oxy­gen Testing

2 addi­tion­al tests will be per­formed in addi­tion to our nor­mal Water Test­ing.  Test­ing to be done in Sep­tem­ber in the North Basin

Mal­colm to send noti­fi­ca­tion out to mem­ber­ship and update on weed control.

  1. Ropes and Mark­ers – Park & Rec

Ropes are mark­ers were removed from Sandy Beach, even though Lau­ra had asked at the Park & Rec meet­ing to have them remain until after Labor Day.  Sabine talked with Lau­ra, Lau­ra will look into why they were removed.  Pos­si­bly a sign in the bath house should be put up regard­ing this.


  1. Web­site and Facebook

Pat­ty has been doing the updates and adding infor­ma­tion and photos.

Put a fold­er up on Safe­ty on the web­site (Boat­ing Safety)

Start a Fun Fact Fri­day on Face­book,  one per­son each week to send a fun fact to Pat­ty to post on Face­book (this week, Drew will send “Did you know” about PWC safety.


  1. Lake Clean Up

Octo­ber 17th, 9:00 am

As usu­al, cof­fee and donuts at 9:00 am

Piz­za for vol­un­teers at 12:00 pm

Pat­ty to post on Face­book, Tina to send email to membership.


  1. New Busi­ness

Talked about new fun activ­i­ties that can be planned for members:

            Lake Corn Hole Tour­na­ment, go from home to home on the lake and play

            Vol­ley­ball Tournament

Sabine to talk with Lau­ra to try to get some­thing set up, if not this year, next year.

Update brochure and send to Sabine so she can dis­trib­ute to Wel­come Wag­on when new neigh­bors move to the lake.

Next meet­ing:  Tues­day, Octo­ber 6th, 7:00 pm, Tina’s house

            Motion to adjourn:           Malcolm

            Sec­ond: Mike


End time:  8:45 pm

Executive Board Meeting Minutes from August 10, 2015

Exec. bd meet­ing min­utes ‑081015

Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

Web­site: www.lmpa.org         Email: lmpa.org@verizon.net

Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

Exec­u­tive Board Meet­ing Minutes

August 10, 2015


Atten­dance:  Mal­colm, Drew, Pat­ty, Tina, Mark, Mike, Sabine, Matt, Paul, Jaime

Start time:     7:05 pm


  1. Treasurer’s Report –

Reg­u­lar account:  $4,016.68

Weed Fund:  $4,957.08

Con­stant new mem­ber­ships and dona­tions com­ing in.


  1. Review and dis­cuss any changes or clar­i­fi­ca­tions to the meet­ing min­utes from July 20th Exec. Bd. Meet­ing. Vote to accept the min­utes, post meet­ing min­utes to the web­site after board approval

Mal­colm had two changes, name of town board is Weed Man­age­ment Advi­so­ry Group and BOS not BOD.  Vote to accept once changes have been made.

Motion:  Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Tina



  1. Park & Rec – Removal of Buoys at Beach

Lau­ra will check at next meet­ing on 8/12.  Plan is to meet Lau­ra at the beach the week after Labor Day to remove.  Ask P&R about installing on Memo­r­i­al Day next year.  Lau­ra to dis­cuss with Park & Rec board.

Talked about links on LMPA web­site to Park & Rec site, she thought it was a great idea.  Dis­cussed end of sum­mer gath­er­ing (pos­si­bly 8/30), Lau­ra to dis­cuss with Park & Rec.

   4.  Bio­log­i­cal Survey

Adding Dis­solved Oxy­gen lev­els to cur­rent test­ing.  Mark to pick up extra can­is­ters, next water test­ing will be right after Labor Day (Sep­tem­ber).

Vote:  Add for costs of addi­tion­al test­ing for Dis­solved Oxy­gen lev­els ($100)

            Motion:  Malcolm

            Sec­ond: Patty


 5.  Draw Down

Mal­colm con­tact­ed John West­er­ling at DPW.  They are in sup­port of an extend­ed draw down to con­trol inva­sive weeds.  Mal­colm to send notice to Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion by 8/15.  This would be one year soon­er than sched­uled extend­ed draw down.

            Spin­del Island – Mark to ask Dave Gibbs to talk to occu­pants of island


Vote:  To spend up to $1,000 of LMPA monies to Spin­del Island occu­pants, and Mal­colm to sub­mit to DPW for reim­burse­ment from Weed Fund approved by Town Meet­ing ($60,000).

            Motion:  Patty

            Sec­ond:  Malcolm



  1. Upcom­ing Election

Paul is resign­ing effec­tive 9/1/15.

Vote tonight to appoint replacement.

Motion:  Mike

Sec­ond:  Malcolm


            Two mem­bers would like to be considered

            Jaime Goncalves

            Don Kaiser

            Vote tak­en, unan­i­mous votes for Jaime Goncalves for replacement


  1. Weed Com­mit­tee

            Needs to meet again soon.  Com­mit­tee will need to be reor­ga­nized, email needs to be sent to cur­rent mem­bers to see if they are still inter­est­ing in serv­ing on that committee.

  1. Event Insur­ance

Matt called the insur­ance com­pa­ny.  Got a syn­op­sis of what our pol­i­cy covers

$1,000,000 lia­bil­i­ty cov­er­age for E‑board mem­bers, Indem­ni­fies LMPA from dam­ages.  Rec­om­men­da­tion is to con­tin­ue cov­er­age — $900 per year


  1. Weed Con­trol Signs

Rec­om­mend that signs be col­lect­ed and stored.


  1. Ter­centen­ni­al Celebration

Sabine to talk to Ron about participation


  1. New Busi­ness

Noth­ing to report at this meeting


Next meet­ing:  Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 1st, 7:00 pm, Patty’s house


Motion to adjourn:           Malcolm

Sec­ond: Patty



Meet­ing end:  8:55 pm


Lake Area Residents:

After a beau­ti­ful sum­mer, it is now approach­ing the time that the annu­al draw down of the lake begins. The tim­ing of the draw down is man­dat­ed by a per­mit received from the Hop­kin­ton Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion and must begin no ear­li­er than Sep­tem­ber 15th and no lat­er than Octo­ber 1st. The exact date can vary from year to year based upon the lev­el of the lake com­ing out of the sum­mer. This year it is antic­i­pat­ed that the draw down will com­mence on or close to the Sep­tem­ber 15th date. A more exten­sive draw down of the lake will be con­duct­ed this year. Instead of the nor­mal 4–5 foot reduc­tion, the lake lev­el will be reduced by 7–8 feet in an effort to con­trol the inva­sive weeds. It is hoped that the full draw down lev­el will be reached approx­i­mate­ly Decem­ber 15th. The peri­od of time that the lake will be at the low­est lev­el will be as short as pos­si­ble. If the weath­er coop­er­ates, and we have suf­fi­cient freez­ing of the weed roots, the lake lev­el will be allowed to rise to the nor­mal win­ter draw down lev­els, which is the 4–5 foot reduc­tion. The lake will be allowed to begin return­ing to nor­mal win­ter draw down lev­els no lat­er than Jan­u­ary 15th. Re-fill of the lake to spring lev­els will begin with “ice out” or around March 1st as usual.

Please be aware of the draw down process and arrange for the removal of boats and docks accordingly.

Have a great autumn,

The Offi­cers and Exec­u­tive Board
Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association


The LMPA will be host­ing a LAKE CLEANUP on Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 17th. Please meet at Sandy Beach park­ing lot to pick up trash bags at 9:00 am (cof­fee, hot choco­late and donuts pro­vid­ed to workers!).

There will be a dump­ster in Sandy Beach park­ing lot for you to bring your trash bags back to dur­ing the clean up.

We will meet back at Sandy Beach park­ing lot at 12:00 pm, and the LMPA will pro­vide piz­za, soda/water for those who worked hard clean­ing our beau­ti­ful resource!!!

Please join us and bring lots of helpers on Octo­ber 17th!!!!

NEXT LMPA Executive Board Meeting, Tuesday, October 6th

The next LMPA Exec­u­tive Board meet­ing will be held on Tues­day, Octo­ber 6th at 7:00 pm.

Please let Mal­colm Page know if you are plan­ning to attend (malcolmepage@gmail.com)

This is a reg­u­lar Exec­u­tive Board Meet­ing, not a spe­cial Gen­eral Meeting.

We will be post­ing these month­ly  meet­ing dates, so that if any Lake Mem­bers have some­thing they would like to dis­cuss with the E‑Board, they are wel­come to attend.

The meet­ing will be held at 6 Downey Street (home of Tina and Jon MacConnell).

Executive Board Meeting Minutes from July 20, 2015

Exec. bd meet­ing min­utes ‑072015

Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

Web­site: www.lmpa.org         Email: lmpa.org@verizon.net

Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

Exec­u­tive Board Meet­ing Minutes

July 20, 2015


Atten­dance:  Mal­colm, Pat­ty, Tina, Sabine, Drew, Matt, Mark

Start time:     7:05 pm


  1. Treasurer’s Report – as of 6/30/15

$4,313.78 in reg­u­lar account

$4,826.87 in Weed Fund

Mem­ber­ship is up, get­ting more activity


  1. Town of Hop­kin­ton Weed Man­age­ment Advi­so­ry Board

Three peo­ple have been approved to serve on the advisory:

            Cyn­thia Estheimer

            Drew Logan

            Jaime Gonzalves

            A rep­re­sen­ta­tive from Park & Rev and Con­serv. Comm. need to be appoint­ed by the Board of Select­men.  Next Board of Select­men meet­ing is 8/11, they should have selec­tions by then and then will sched­ule their first meeting.


  1. Extend­ed Draw Down

Want to draw down to 7–8 feet

Check with the town about Spin­del Island – some­one will need to meet with them to dis­cuss (John Westerling???)

Per­mit states we have to noti­fy mem­ber­ship by 8/15

Opti­mal draw lev­els would be 2” per day (cur­rent­ly 1”)

Mal­colm will get a let­ter togeth­er to present to Con­serv. Comm.

We will need a new weed study, good idea to use as a baseline

Need to doc­u­ment cur­rent con­di­tions with photos.

LMPA will pay for the weed study (approx. $1,000) and try to get reim­bursed through the town from the funds available.

Motion:  Expend the mon­ey need­ed for Bio­log­i­cal Sur­vey by ACT

            Motion:  Malcolm

            Sec­ond: Patty



  1. Boat Parade

Win­ner:  Chris Caldwell

Hon­or­able Men­tion:  Dan Logan


Tina had asked Chris­tine Snow (lake res­i­dent) to take pic­tures of the lake and the Boat Parade and to update Face­book regularly.

For thank­ing her for her efforts, we will adver­tise her busi­ness on Face­book and the Website.


  1. Exec­u­tive Board Space

Paul Szulews­ki would like to be replaced on the Board.  He is plan­ning to move out of state soon and will not be able to serve.

Look­ing at replace­ments for Paul, will dis­cuss at the next board meeting.


  1. Grand Open­ing – Sandy Beach party

Big suc­cess, over 300 peo­ple attend­ed.  Good expo­sure for LMPA, excel­lent com­mu­ni­ty event.  Rein­forces rela­tion­ship with town mem­bers who do not live on the lake.  Need to reim­burse Sabine $180 for sup­plies for party.

Talk to Lau­ra (Park & Rec lia­son) about putting some infor­ma­tion on our web­site about beach pass­es, etc (“Check out Sandy Beach” Pass­es avail­able) with a link to Park & Rec site.


  1. Insur­ance

If we co-spon­sor with the town on an event, does the town insur­ance cov­er any cat­a­stro­phe?  Do we need so much insurance?

      Mark will check with oth­er lake asso­ci­a­tions to see what their cov­er­ages are

      EBoard vs. Event Insur­ance – Matt to check our pol­i­cy, what does it cover


  1. New Busi­ness

Noth­ing to report at this meeting


Next meet­ing:  Mon­day, August 10th – 7:00 pm at Tina’s


Motion to adjourn:           Malcolm

Sec­ond: Drew



Meet­ing end:  8:50 pm

NEXT LMPA EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING — Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The next LMPA Exec­u­tive Board meet­ing will be held on Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 1st at 7:00 pm.

Please let Mal­colm Page know if you are plan­ning to attend (malcolmepage@gmail.com)

This is a reg­u­lar Exec­u­tive Board Meet­ing, not a spe­cial Gen­er­al Meeting.

We will be post­ing these month­ly  meet­ing dates, so that if any Lake Mem­bers have some­thing they would like to dis­cuss with the E‑Board, they are wel­come to attend.

The meet­ing will be held at 207 West Main Street (home of Frank and Pat­ty Holland).

NEXT LMPA Executive Board Meeting — Monday, August 10th

The next LMPA Exec­u­tive Board meet­ing will be held on Mon­day, August 10th at 7:00 pm.

Please let Mal­colm Page know if you are plan­ning to attend (malcolmepage@gmail.com)

This is a reg­u­lar Exec­u­tive Board Meet­ing, not a spe­cial Gen­er­al Meeting.

We will be post­ing these month­ly  meet­ing dates, so that if any Lake Mem­bers have some­thing they would like to dis­cuss with the E‑Board, they are wel­come to attend.

The meet­ing will be held at 6 Downey Street (home of Tina and Jon MacConnell).