5th Annual Chili Cookoff and Tailgate — Keeping an eye on the weather — Still on!

Updat­ed: Sep­tem­ber 24, 2021

Fire up those crock­pots!

Once again we will have two cat­e­gories: Tra­di­tion­al and Non-Tra­di­tion­al chili. Use your imag­i­na­tion and bring your best (or come and enjoy some fan­tas­tic food). Prizes and brag­ging rights will be hand­ed out for both categories. 

Event Info
  • Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 26 — 12:30 to 5:00 — 193 W. Main Street — Hopkinton
  • Tra­di­tion­al and Non-Tra­di­tion­al Categories
    • Please bring ingre­di­ent cards
    • Sour cream, jalapenos, and cheese provided
  • Patri­ots game will be on (vot­ing at halftime)

Safe­ty pro­to­cols in place for san­i­tary food dis­tri­b­u­tion and indoor air­flow — Per HHD masks are rec­om­mend­ed for unvac­ci­nat­ed attendees

Look­ing for­ward to see­ing every­one, watch­ing the Patri­ots, and enjoy­ing the “fiery” competition!

Mid-Summer Safe Boating Checklist

We have been made aware of inci­dents involv­ing boats and jet skis this sum­mer. There­fore, in the inter­est of lake safe­ty, we are remind­ing our mem­bers and friends of the Coast Guard Boat­ing Safe­ty Check­list and the sum­ma­ry of the Mass­a­chu­setts boat­ing laws. In the event that there are spot checks on the lake, we want to ensure that every­one is in com­pli­ance and that we are able to share the lake safe­ly, togeth­er. We encour­age every­one to take a look at the list and get their boats in order. 

Please vis­it the Coast Guard web­site for a full list­ing and explanation

Have a hap­py and safe summer!

The LMPA E‑Board

Holiday Celebrations — A Great Success

Even through rain delays, we all man­aged to ful­ly cel­e­brate both Light Up the Lake and the Boat Parade! The parade was the most suc­cess­ful yet with over 30 boats par­tic­i­pat­ing and the cre­ativ­i­ty was off the charts! 

The votes are in… receiv­ing 54% of the total votes… Jaws takes it! Con­grat­u­la­tions on #4 to the Sweeney Fam­i­ly. Round­ing out the top three are The Lob­ster Trap (26%) and Mar­di Gras (10%). Thank you to every­one who par­tic­i­pat­ed in both events. Pho­tos are post­ed to Face­book. Feel free to tag yourself! 

Event Updates July 4th and 5th and Cornhole Registrations

Due to weath­er, we have resched­uled Light up the Lake to July 4th and the Boat Parade for July 5th. Vot­ing infor­ma­tion for the parade will be sent out over the next few days.

Reg­is­tra­tion for Corn­hole is open­ing on Tues­day morn­ing. If you have sent in infor­ma­tion already, please resub­mit on Tues­day morning. 

Hap­py Fourth, everyone!

5th Annual Cornhole Tournament Registration Information

We are so excit­ed to let you all know that reg­is­tra­tion for the LMPA Corn­hole Tour­na­ment will open on Tues­day, July 6

When: 12:00 pm — Sat­ur­day, July 24, 2021 (July 25, rain date)
Where: Var­i­ous homes around the lake.

We will cap reg­is­tra­tion at 24 teams with 2 play­ers on each team.  One per­son on each team must be an LMPA Mem­ber.  The cost to play is $50.00 per team.

Finals/After Par­ty — Details to fol­low — Tro­phies will be award­ed

Please email us the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion:
Names of Both Play­ers
E‑mail address­es for each play­er
Cell phone num­bers
Team name

Pay via Pay­pal (account is info@lmpa.org) or by mail­ing a check payable to the LMPA to:
6 Downey Street
Hop­kin­ton, MA 01748 

Please note that we can only con­firm a team once pay­ment is received for both team mem­bers

Corn­hole rules and host infor­ma­tion to fol­low — Fin­gers crossed for anoth­er beau­ti­ful day!!

Save the Date! 2021 Cornhole Tournament

The date has been set and we are ready to bring corn­hole back! Mark your cal­en­dars: Sat­ur­day, July 24th with a rain date of Sun­day, July 25th.

Infor­ma­tion regard­ing reg­is­tra­tion will be sent out next week. Please remem­ber that at least one mem­ber of your team must be an active LMPA mem­ber. The reg­is­tra­tion fee is $25 per team. *Reg­is­tra­tion is com­plete upon pay­ment*

Get your teams ready for reg­is­tra­tion, brag­ging rights, and prizes!

2021 Light up the Lake and Boat Parade!

Light up the Lake

Sat­ur­day, July 3rd, 8:00 — 11:00 pm — Spread the Word! Put out your torch­es, light up the fire pit, bring out ALL the lights and let’s make this the best Light up the Lake, yet! 

Boat Parade

Sun­day, July 4th, 1:45 — 3:45 pm — A lake favorite for cre­ativ­i­ty and par­tic­i­pa­tion, the boat parade is always a great time! Put on your artis­tic hats and do some­thing epic! Links to vot­ing will be sent shortly.

Rain date is TBDDown­load map of parade route.

2021 Lake Maspeock Safe Boating Day

2021 Lake Maspeock Safe Boating Day

Lake Maspenock Safe Boat­ing Day
Sat­ur­day, June 19, 2021
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Dock of Drew Logan res­i­dence at 30 Lakeshore Dri­ve on the lake

Have your out­board, inboard, per­son­al water craft, pon­toon boat, kayak or canoe inspect­ed for manda­to­ry state and fed­er­al safe­ty equip­ment by a cer­ti­fied U.S Coast Guard Aux­il­iary mem­ber. There is no charge for this ser­vice and no penal­ty for not hav­ing the required equip­ment, we sim­ply explain what is need­ed and that’s it. A 2021 Ves­sel Safe­ty Check decal will be issued upon com­ple­tion which is rec­og­nized by local and state envi­ron­men­tal police. Inspec­tions take no more than 10 min­utes of your time, hope to see you on the 19th.

Safe Boating