Free Boat Inspections from the US Coast Guard — Sunday, July 7th — 10:00 am — 2:00 pm

Daniel McAu­li­ffe, a cer­ti­fied Ves­sel Exam­in­er and mem­ber of the US Coast Guard Aux­il­iary. has offered to hold a Safe Boat­ing Day in which CG Aux­il­iary mem­bers would per­form safe­ty ves­sel checks on your power­boats, per­son­al water craft, kayaks and canoes to insure they have all the safe­ty equip­ment to com­ply with state and fed­er­al reg­u­la­tions. Ves­sel checks take about 10 mins and those who pass receive a year­ly decal. For those who fail there is no penal­ty. They sim­ply inform them what they need to pass. There is no fee or cost for this ser­vice, the CG Aux­il­iary con­sists of all volunteers. 

Inspec­tions will be held on Sun­day, July 7th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at 30 Lakeshore Dri­ve. Lake­side, it is on the same side as Sandy Beach, towards Mil­ford side. Let’s ALL get out there and get our boats inspected!!!

Sharing a letter from an LMPA member

Below, please find a let­ter from Kel­ly Mac­don­ald, a very con­cerned mem­ber of the LMPA. She needs your support .….

ATTENTION!!! ALL Lake Maspenock Res­i­dents and Friends of Hop­kin­ton, Mil­ford, and Upton:
Dear Friends,

It is with heavy heart and deep con­cern that I write to you today, but it must be done. 

Dur­ing Labor Day week­end, on Sat­ur­day, Sept. 1st, 2018, my twelve year old son and I accom­pa­nied sev­er­al lake neigh­bors in an attempt­ed res­cue of the sev­en­teen year old boy that drowned that day.
What start­ed out as a large par­ty of joy­ous yelling and cheer­ing, end­ed with cry­ing and the shrill screams of pan­ic. Sad­ly, there was a lan­guage bar­ri­er, but lake neigh­bors rushed to the scene to inves­ti­gate, react­ing to the screams and pan­ic, my son and I included.

Words can­not describe the hor­ror in wit­ness­ing this tragedy unfold. Nine months have passed and I am still haunt­ed by the sounds of cry­ing and scream­ing, and the sight of the fam­i­ly run­ning about in pan­ic on the dam. It was obvi­ous they didn’t know how to swim and no one could jump in after the boy.

911 was called. How­ev­er, get­ting to the scene was chaos. The boy was on a neighbor’s pon­toon boat docked at the bot­tom of North Pond Ter­race, that ends at the water, at the Mil­ford end of the dam. Upton EMT’s arrived via Crock­et Road on the Upton end of the dam, and sev­er­al of them ran the whole length of the dam to get to the oth­er side. Mil­ford and Hop­kin­ton EMT’s arrived on the Mil­ford side but they were unable to come down North Pond Ter­race because the road is no longer acces­si­ble. This is unacceptable.

Could those EMT’s have got­ten to that boy any soon­er? We will nev­er know. I do know that this ques­tion should nev­er arise again! We should do every­thing pos­si­ble to know that every­thing was done to ensure the safe­ty of life!

Years ago, when Mil­ford owned the dam, North Pond Ter­race is/was the access road begin­ning at Pine Island Road, extend­ing to the water at the dam. There is also a small por­tion of land at the base of the dam labeled as “Mil­ford Town Park”. This access road served util­i­ty vehi­cles, emer­gency vehi­cles to the dam and lake and also as a boat access to the water. For many years, the town’s peo­ple have come to the dam for out­ings – as it should be.

When you’re stand­ing on the dam and look out into the water, it is shal­low for about 30 feet and then the water shad­ows (and is mis­lead­ing) – and that’s where the bot­tom drops off.

Lake Maspenock is a beau­ti­ful lit­tle lake. It’s clean and great for fish­ing, swim­ming, and boat­ing. Peo­ple will always hang out on the dam. It can’t be policed con­stant­ly, and it shouldn’t be. It’s a great local spot for peo­ple to gather.

Now, just recent­ly, on Sun­day, June 2nd, anoth­er boy lost his life in our lake.

The bot­tom line is, now TWO PEOPLE HAVE DIED!!!

So, what can we do to help pre­vent such a tragedy?

There MUST be Emer­gency Access, RESCUE plans/ pro­ce­dures and RESCUE TEAM put in place from all three towns col­lec­tive­ly! This should be shared respon­si­bil­i­ty from all three towns!

I have spo­ken with oth­er locals and pro­pose a few ideas:
1. POST some type of warn­ing sign(s) that there is a drop-off. This could be writ­ten in Eng­lish and Span­ish, with a sim­ple stick fig­ure stand­ing in the water and the ground drops off. I have drawn an exam­ple.
2. REOPEN/UNBLOCK the access road of North Pond Ter­race begin­ning at Pine Island Road extend­ing to the water, as it was pri­or to Jan­u­ary, 2014. (This road has always been an access road of 10ft wide min­i­mum; now it is mere­ly a path. See pho­tos.)
3. ADD a small dock at the dam on the Upton side AND one near the beach for access in emer­gency sit­u­a­tions.
4. INSTALL Emer­gency Call Box at the dam and at the beach.
5. ADD Emer­gency Life Rings at the dam and at the beach.
6. ADD a “shal­low” swim rope and/or sep­a­rate shal­low area at the beach for younger chil­dren.
7. Emer­gency row boat stored at the beach.
8. AED shed at the beach and at the dam.
9. SHARED water­craft between Hop­kin­ton, Upton, Mil­ford, manned with someone(s) who can assist a res­cue IN THE WATER – as opposed to wait­ing on the beach/land.

Lake res­i­dents dis­cussed Pre­ven­ta­tive action, such as:
Safe Swim pro­gram for all chil­dren
CPR class­es
Store extra gog­gles on board your boat
Life ring on your boat and/or your dock
AED sheds on pri­vate property

PLEASE! I IMPLORE YOU! — Send me your sup­port, encour­age­ment, and/or sug­ges­tions in writ­ing, even just a few lines, so we, with the sup­port of LMPA, may present our con­cerns to our town offi­cials, as a com­mu­ni­ty, to rec­ti­fy the sit­u­a­tion by putting sol­id Emer­gency Access Pro­ce­dures in place!
Any and all con­cerns and sug­ges­tions should be pre­sent­ed to all three towns sur­round­ing the lake. This would include Town Offi­cials such as Select­men, Fire Dept, Police Dept, Attny Gen­er­al, etc. 
Any and all sug­ges­tions should be con­sid­ered to ensure such a tragedy does not hap­pen again.

PLEASE! Send your sup­port in writ­ing to .


Light Up the Night Information — July 3rd

Long await­ed details for JULY 3rd!!!!

If you live ON the lake:
*get cre­ative and LIGHT UP your WATERFRONT
*sug­ges­tions- tiki torch­es, string lights, spot lights, Christ­mas light, rope lights, con­trolled bon­fire!!!
*BE SAFE!!! 
*”FLIP THE SWITCHAT 8:30 for all to see!!

GET out on the lake and cruise around to enjoy the lights:
*LIGHTS ON for safe­ty- maybe even light up your boat!!! 
*HITCH a ride if you don’t live ON the water or have a safe water craft !

PLEASE share ideas!
*****We are excit­ed to see what every­one comes up with and hope to get ALL involved whether you live direct­ly on the lake or not!

Resource from Riverside Trauma Center

Dawn Alcott of Hop­kin­ton Youth and Fam­i­ly Ser­vices was kind enough to send over some help­ful infor­ma­tion to help fam­i­lies deal with the trau­mat­ic event at Sandy Beach and noti­fi­ca­tion of a meet­ing to be held this Wednesday.

Here is a link for talk­ing with Chil­dren About Trau­mat­ic Events

On Wednes­day, June 5th, at 7:00 pm Jim McCauley of River­side Trau­ma Cen­ter, will be com­ing to the Senior Cen­ter for sup­port and dis­cus­sion relat­ed to the trau­mat­ic event  at Sandy Beach. He will join Youth and Fam­i­ly Ser­vices in pro­vid­ing sup­port to the com­mu­ni­ty and help­ing us deter­mine the next steps toward ongo­ing sup­port for all of those impact­ed.
Please reach out to me with any ques­tions or con­cerns.  
Warm­ly, Dawn
Dawn Alcott, LICSW Direc­tor
Hop­kin­ton Youth & Fam­i­ly Ser­vices
Town of Hop­kin­ton
18 Main Street
Hop­kin­ton, MA 01748508–435-2139 x1449

Recent Events at Sandy Beach

LMPA Mem­bers and Neighbors:

As you may have heard, a tragedy occurred yes­ter­day at Sandy Beach around 5 pm.    A 9 year old boy was pulled from the water after being sub­merged for 10–15 min­utes.   Local res­i­dents sprung into action in order to locate and bring the boy to shore where life sav­ing efforts were made by pro­fes­sion­als who had arrived on the scene.    As of Sun­day evening, the boy was being treat­ed at UMASS Memo­r­i­al Hos­pi­tal in Worces­ter.

Although it does­n’t reduce the sig­nif­i­cance of this tragedy, it is impor­tant to know that this occurred well after Fam­i­ly Fun Day had con­clud­ed and that the boy did not attend the event ear­li­er that day.     Some news reports have erro­neous­ly report­ed that the near drown­ing occurred dur­ing the Fam­i­ly Fun Day Event.

This will be a top­ic of dis­cus­sion at tonight’s meet­ing of the Gen­er­al Mem­ber­ship.   We hope to see you there.
Thank you,

The Offi­cers and Board of the Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association 

4th Annual Cornhole Tournament Registration Open!

Reg­is­tra­tion for the LMPA  Corn­hole Tour­na­ment is now open.  The tour­na­ment will be held on Sat­ur­day, July 27, 2019, at var­i­ous homes around the lake.  The tour­na­ment will begin at 12 noon.

Tro­phies and cash prizes will be awarded.

We will cap reg­is­tra­tion at 24 teams with 2 play­ers on each team.  One per­son on each team must be an LMPA Mem­ber.  The cost to play is $50.00 per team.

There will be a pot luck gath­er­ing fol­low­ing the tour­na­ment. Stay tuned for a SignUp Genius spread­sheet to be shared for what types of food we would like you to bring.

Please email us the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion:
Names of Both Play­ers
E‑mail address­es for each play­er
Cell phone num­bers
Team name

Pay­ment can be made on our web­site,, via Pay­Pal on the Mem­ber­ship Tab or by mail­ing a check payable to the LMPA and sent to:
LMPA (Tina Mac­Connell)
6 Downey Street
Hop­kin­ton, MA 01748 
Please note that we can only con­firm a team once pay­ment is received for both team mem­bers.

Corn­hole rules, menu requests and host infor­ma­tion to fol­low
Fin­gers crossed for anoth­er beau­ti­ful day!!
Thank you,
The LMPA Corn­hole Committee