Private Fishing Tournament — Saturday, September 19th

Please be aware that the Hop­kin­ton Parks and Recre­ation Com­mis­sion approved the Kayak Bassin’ Club’s per­mit to hold a tour­na­ment on Lake Maspenock from 6 AM to 2 PM this Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 19. They will be allowed to park cars and trail­ers (pos­si­bly more than 4) in the Sandy Beach Park­ing lot but will not use the beach. 

Thank you,
The LMPA Exec­u­tive Board

Lake Drawdown

Lake Area Res­i­dents:   After a beau­ti­ful but unique sum­mer, it is now approach­ing the time that the annu­al draw­down of the lake begins. The tim­ing of the draw­down is man­dat­ed by a per­mit received from the Hop­kin­ton Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion and must begin no ear­li­er than Sep­tem­ber 15th and no lat­er than Octo­ber 1st.  The exact date can vary from year to year based upon the lev­el of the lake com­ing out of the sum­mer.  The exact date that the draw­down will com­mence has not been set, but giv­en drought con­di­tions and the asso­ci­at­ed low­er lake lev­els, it will most like­ly begin towards the lat­ter part of this win­dow. This year’s reduc­tion in the lev­el of the lake is antic­i­pat­ed to be the nor­mal 48–52 inch­es.  Please be aware of the draw­down process and arrange for the removal of boats and docks accordingly.

Parks and Rec Open Meetings and LMPA Ad Hoc Committee

The  Hop­kin­ton Parks and Recre­ation Com­mis­sion has orga­nized an Ad Hoc Com­mit­tee to review cur­rent reg­u­la­tions and use of Sandy Beach, the boat ramp and the park­ing lot. The Com­mit­tee includes mem­bers of the LMPA and the Parks and Recre­ation Com­mis­sion.  The pur­pose of the Com­mit­tee is to make rec­om­men­da­tions for poten­tial improve­ments to the Sandy Beach area for con­sid­er­a­tion from the Parks and Recre­ation Com­mis­sion.  The Com­mis­sion would then vote to approve changes to take effect in 2021.  Upcom­ing open meet­ings are post­ed on the Hop­kin­ton Town web­site under meet­ings and agendas. 

Old Town Road Development

The LMPA Exec­u­tive Board is aware of a poten­tial hous­ing devel­op­ment planned for 14.75 acres at the end of Knoll and Duffield Road in Hop­kin­ton. Infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by the devel­op­er (Wall Street Devel­op­ment Corp.) sug­gests that approx­i­mate­ly 10 hous­es would be built. The devel­op­er has sub­mit­ted noti­fi­ca­tion to the abut­ters of the pro­posed devel­op­ment that a delin­eation of the wet­lands will be con­duct­ed on the prop­er­ty and sub­mit­ted to the Hop­kin­ton Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion. In addi­tion, the devel­op­er will have to get approvals from the Hop­kin­ton Plan­ning Board pri­or to mov­ing for­ward with the con­struc­tion. This is like­ly to take sev­er­al months. At this time, it is unclear if the devel­op­ment will have any impact to Lake Maspenock. The LMPA Exec­u­tive Board will con­tin­ue to mon­i­tor the devel­op­ment as it pro­ceeds through the appli­ca­tion and approval process. We will keep the mem­ber­ship informed as the sit­u­a­tion develops.

Thank you,
The LMPA Exec­u­tive Board

5th Annual Cornhole Tournament

The 5th Annu­al, social­ly-dis­tanced, LMPA Corn­hole Tour­na­ment for 2020 sched­uled to be held on August 1st is can­celled.  Thank you to the teams that reg­is­tered and to the vol­un­teers and host hous­es for their work in cre­at­ing a for­mat with safe­ty in mind for both all par­tic­i­pants and vol­un­teers.  We all hope that by next sum­mer one of our favorite and most pop­u­lar events of the year will bring us all togeth­er again to cel­e­brate our com­mu­ni­ty and com­pete again in fun around the lake as in years past. 

Thank you for your understanding,The Exec­u­tive Board of the LMPA

Boat Parade 2020

Check out the Pho­to Gallery tab for this year’s Lake Maspenock 13th Annu­al Boat Parade pictures!!!

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the Sweeney fam­i­ly with their win­ning entry of The Flintstones!!!

Volunteers Needed ASAP!!!

The wel­com­ing warm sum­mer weath­er is upon us and as you prob­a­bly noticed there has been an extra­or­di­nar­i­ly high vol­ume of boat traf­fic on the lake as well as vis­i­tors to Sandy Beach. Parks & Rec will be offi­cial­ly open­ing Sandy Beach and the boat ramp this Thurs­day, July 2 and as such the area will be staffed by life­guards at the beach and gate guards at the entrance of the beach and boat ramp. They will fol­low the Governor’s guide­lines for the oper­a­tion of beach­es dur­ing the pan­dem­ic which will include restrict­ing access and ensur­ing appro­pri­ate dis­tanc­ing. Details may be found on our web­site at

As we reviewed at our Annu­al Meet­ing ear­li­er this month, the LMPA has had ongo­ing dia­logue with Hop­kin­ton Parks & Rec, Hop­kin­ton Police and Hop­kin­ton Fire to ensure safe­ty con­tin­ues to be a top pri­or­i­ty at Sandy Beach and Lake Maspenock. For exam­ple, new and improved sig­nage for Sandy Beach will be arriv­ing soon.

In order to assist with these safe­ty efforts, we are announc­ing a Com­mu­ni­ty Mon­i­tor­ing Pro­gram for vol­un­teers to assist at Sandy Beach and the boat ramp. We would ask you to con­sid­er vol­un­teer­ing for a two hour block of time (9–11am, 11am-1pm, 1–3pm, 3–5pm) on July 4, 5, 11 or 12 to join the teenage gate guards to mon­i­tor the boat ramp. Reg­u­la­tions for the launch­ing of boats will be made avail­able to you and this will assist the young gate guards by hav­ing an adult with them for the first cou­ple week­ends of staffing.

The sec­ond oppor­tu­ni­ty for vol­un­teerism is as Beach Safe­ty Ambas­sador. We are look­ing for vol­un­teers to stop by the beach after­hours and pro­vide a safe­ty hand­out to any­one still on the beach after the close.

You can vol­un­teer for either or both of these oppor­tu­ni­ties by con­tact­ing LMPA Board Mem­ber, Matt DeMar­zo at, and let­ting him know which day and time you could help at the boat ramp and/or which evening you can vol­un­teer as a beach safe­ty ambassador.

Thanks in advance for giv­ing some of your time to help with these new ini­tia­tives as they should help ensure a safe and enjoy­able sum­mer for all!

The Exec­u­tives and Board Mem­bers of the Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

The mis­sion of the Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Asso­ci­a­tion, to pre­serve and pro­tect the lake envi­ron­ment, can only be met with the involve­ment of peo­ple like you and we great­ly appre­ci­ate your support.

Please renew your LMPA mem­ber­ship! Not a past mem­ber? Please join and par­tic­i­pate in our activ­i­ties with your friends and neigh­bors!!

Summer 2020 — Boat Launch Permit for Sandy Beach

Friend­ly reminder from HOPKINTON PARKS & RECREATION DEPT.

Boat Launch Per­mit for Sandy Beach for trail­ers that will be parked for sev­er­al hours or for the day. This does not per­tain to lake res­i­dents putting their boat in for the sea­son or tak­ing it in or out for repairs/maintenance.

Boat trail­ers MUST be reg­is­tered for use of the boat ramp between Memo­r­i­al Day and August 29, 2020.

Please mail a copy of your driver’s license and trail­er reg­is­tra­tion along with $50 check to Hop­kin­ton Parks and Recre­ation Dept. with a self-addressed stamped enve­lope to:
Parks and Recre­ation Dept.
85 Main St. Hop­kin­ton MA 01748.

Please note that there are ONLY 4 trail­er park­ing spots and there is NO street parking.

*Any vehi­cle with­out a per­mit or park­ing out­side the allot­ted spots will be tick­et­ed by the Hop­kin­ton Police Dept.*

For addi­tion­al info; under Parks & Recre­ation, Reg­is­ter, Pro­grams, Sandy Beach Permits.

Please remem­ber to thor­ough­ly clean your boat and trail­er before and after enter­ing the lake. It’s the law!

Annual LMPA General Meeting — Virtual — June 1st

Tonight’s Annu­al LMPA Gen­er­al Meet­ing will take place via Zoom. If you are a mem­ber, and would like to join tonight’s meet­ing, please email to get log in information.

The meet­ing starts at 7:00 pm. Please be patient as we are tak­ing extra secu­ri­ty pre­cau­tions by admit­ting mem­bers into the meet­ing. Once logged in, you will be in a wait­ing area until grant­ed access to the meet­ing once it is con­firmed you are an LMPA member.

Active paid mem­bers will be vot­ing on open posi­tions this evening via polls. The fol­low­ing can­di­dates have expressed inter­est for these posi­tions (list­ed alphabetically):

Vice Pres­i­dent:
Scott Col­well
Jaime Goncalves (seek­ing re-elec­tion)

John Coutin­ho
Sharon Shep­ard

Exec­u­tive Board Posi­tion #5:
Scott Col­well
John Coutin­ho
Dar­lene Hayes
Sharon Shep­ard
Cathy Sweeney

Thank you for your con­tin­ued sup­port of the LMPA, hope to see you tonight!

The Exec­u­tive Board of the LMPA