A reminder that our Annual General Meeting of Membership is this Monday.
5/8 Monday
KO Sushi, Upstairs
There will be light appetizers served and cash bar. They are short on staff so any orders will need to go in through the bar downstairs, so please plan accordingly and think about coming a little early.
If you would like to run for an open position or would like to nominate someone, you may do so at the meeting.
This year we have three (3) LMPA Executive Board Seats up for Election/Re-Election. President, Secretary, and Board Member #1.
All positions require an active membership.
President: Preside over all meetings, draft agendas, write State of the Lake, have a general knowledge of all Association activities, represent the association at other town boards/meetings (must have served at least 1 year on the Executive board in order to run for President)
Secretary: Keep meeting minutes and post to the website, general knowledge of google drive and website maintenance, manage quarterly newsletter, manage incoming/outgoing emails
Board position #1: Make recommendations to the Association, direct projects undertaken by the Association, potentially assume some responsibilities of secretary such as newsletter, website maintenance or head up a subcommittee