Update- The Planning Board voted unanimously to RECOMMEND Marguerite make a motion at Town Meeting for “no action”. This is only a recommendation. Marguerite can still decide to move forward with the motion to rezone to rural business and would need a 2/3 majority at Town Meeting to get that passed. Please still plan to attend town meeting since there is no guarantee they will make a motion for “no action”.
Planning Board Tonight 4/24 at 7pm
**Article 29 is STILL on the town warrant**
Regardless of what you are reading in the papers and online, we have confirmed that Marguerite missed the deadline to withdraw. They may or may not make a motion for “no action” at town meeting. Imperative, everyone still attend. 
Hayward/South street Rezone is #2 on the agenda tonight:
Join Zoom Meeting @ 7pm
Meeting ID: 834 1517 0306
Passcode: 057532
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