Volunteers Needed ASAP!!!

The wel­com­ing warm sum­mer weath­er is upon us and as you prob­a­bly noticed there has been an extra­or­di­nar­i­ly high vol­ume of boat traf­fic on the lake as well as vis­i­tors to Sandy Beach. Parks & Rec will be offi­cial­ly open­ing Sandy Beach and the boat ramp this Thurs­day, July 2 and as such the area will be staffed by life­guards at the beach and gate guards at the entrance of the beach and boat ramp. They will fol­low the Governor’s guide­lines for the oper­a­tion of beach­es dur­ing the pan­dem­ic which will include restrict­ing access and ensur­ing appro­pri­ate dis­tanc­ing. Details may be found on our web­site at www.lmpa.org

As we reviewed at our Annu­al Meet­ing ear­li­er this month, the LMPA has had ongo­ing dia­logue with Hop­kin­ton Parks & Rec, Hop­kin­ton Police and Hop­kin­ton Fire to ensure safe­ty con­tin­ues to be a top pri­or­i­ty at Sandy Beach and Lake Maspenock. For exam­ple, new and improved sig­nage for Sandy Beach will be arriv­ing soon.

In order to assist with these safe­ty efforts, we are announc­ing a Com­mu­ni­ty Mon­i­tor­ing Pro­gram for vol­un­teers to assist at Sandy Beach and the boat ramp. We would ask you to con­sid­er vol­un­teer­ing for a two hour block of time (9–11am, 11am-1pm, 1–3pm, 3–5pm) on July 4, 5, 11 or 12 to join the teenage gate guards to mon­i­tor the boat ramp. Reg­u­la­tions for the launch­ing of boats will be made avail­able to you and this will assist the young gate guards by hav­ing an adult with them for the first cou­ple week­ends of staffing.

The sec­ond oppor­tu­ni­ty for vol­un­teerism is as Beach Safe­ty Ambas­sador. We are look­ing for vol­un­teers to stop by the beach after­hours and pro­vide a safe­ty hand­out to any­one still on the beach after the close.

You can vol­un­teer for either or both of these oppor­tu­ni­ties by con­tact­ing LMPA Board Mem­ber, Matt DeMar­zo at mjdemarzo@verizon.net, and let­ting him know which day and time you could help at the boat ramp and/or which evening you can vol­un­teer as a beach safe­ty ambassador.

Thanks in advance for giv­ing some of your time to help with these new ini­tia­tives as they should help ensure a safe and enjoy­able sum­mer for all!

The Exec­u­tives and Board Mem­bers of the Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

The mis­sion of the Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Asso­ci­a­tion, to pre­serve and pro­tect the lake envi­ron­ment, can only be met with the involve­ment of peo­ple like you and we great­ly appre­ci­ate your support.

Please renew your LMPA mem­ber­ship! Not a past mem­ber? Please join and par­tic­i­pate in our activ­i­ties with your friends and neigh­bors!!