Free Boat Inspections from the US Coast Guard — Sunday, July 7th — 10:00 am — 2:00 pm

Daniel McAu­li­ffe, a cer­ti­fied Ves­sel Exam­in­er and mem­ber of the US Coast Guard Aux­il­iary. has offered to hold a Safe Boat­ing Day in which CG Aux­il­iary mem­bers would per­form safe­ty ves­sel checks on your power­boats, per­son­al water craft, kayaks and canoes to insure they have all the safe­ty equip­ment to com­ply with state and fed­er­al reg­u­la­tions. Ves­sel checks take about 10 mins and those who pass receive a year­ly decal. For those who fail there is no penal­ty. They sim­ply inform them what they need to pass. There is no fee or cost for this ser­vice, the CG Aux­il­iary con­sists of all volunteers. 

Inspec­tions will be held on Sun­day, July 7th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at 30 Lakeshore Dri­ve. Lake­side, it is on the same side as Sandy Beach, towards Mil­ford side. Let’s ALL get out there and get our boats inspected!!!