4th Annual Cornhole Tournament Registration Open!

Reg­is­tra­tion for the LMPA  Corn­hole Tour­na­ment is now open.  The tour­na­ment will be held on Sat­ur­day, July 27, 2019, at var­i­ous homes around the lake.  The tour­na­ment will begin at 12 noon.

Tro­phies and cash prizes will be awarded.

We will cap reg­is­tra­tion at 24 teams with 2 play­ers on each team.  One per­son on each team must be an LMPA Mem­ber.  The cost to play is $50.00 per team.

There will be a pot luck gath­er­ing fol­low­ing the tour­na­ment. Stay tuned for a SignUp Genius spread­sheet to be shared for what types of food we would like you to bring.

Please email us the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion:
Names of Both Play­ers
E‑mail address­es for each play­er
Cell phone num­bers
Team name

Pay­ment can be made on our web­site, www.lmpa.org, via Pay­Pal on the Mem­ber­ship Tab or by mail­ing a check payable to the LMPA and sent to:
LMPA (Tina Mac­Connell)
6 Downey Street
Hop­kin­ton, MA 01748 
Please note that we can only con­firm a team once pay­ment is received for both team mem­bers.

Corn­hole rules, menu requests and host infor­ma­tion to fol­low
Fin­gers crossed for anoth­er beau­ti­ful day!!
Thank you,
The LMPA Corn­hole Committee