Hel­lo LMPA Membership:

We had great atten­dance at the Annu­al Meet­ing on June 6th and sev­er­al excel­lent sug­ges­tions were made by the mem­ber­ship.   Thank you!     As we are an all-vol­un­teer orga­ni­za­tion, we are reach­ing out to the mem­ber­ship for vol­un­teers to help us with the fol­low­ing items/tasks:

  1. Set­ting up a fundrais­er to pro­mote home­own­ers to use Non-Phos­pho­rus Organ­ic Fer­til­iz­er.  Sug­ges­tions made were to sell signs for people’s lawns, who actu­al­ly use Non-Phos­pho­rus Organ­ic Fer­til­iz­er. We would need 1–2 peo­ple to head up this fundrais­ing task, and report back to the E‑Board for approvals.
  2. It was sug­gest­ed that the E‑Board cre­ate a quar­ter­ly newslet­ter to send to the mem­ber­ship. We would need 1–2 peo­ple to orga­nize infor­ma­tion, bring their draft newslet­ter to a Board Meet­ing quar­ter­ly, and then post the newslet­ter to the mem­ber­ship, once it is approved by the E‑Board.
  3. Social Com­mit­tee – we are again look­ing for vol­un­teers (10–12) to help with the var­i­ous events that we hold each year. Being on the com­mit­tee does not mean that you have to vol­un­teer for each event, although you can, but if we can get 4–5 peo­ple assigned to each of our events, it would be a great help to the E‑Board mem­bers who over­see these events:

    Spring Fling
    Lake Clean Up
    Fam­i­ly Fun Day
    Fourth of July Boat Parade
    Corn Hole Tournament
    Chili Cook Off/Tailgate

    We want to con­tin­ue to pro­vide these events to the mem­ber­ship, but it most­ly falls on a few indi­vid­u­als.  Any help you can pro­vide for these events is great­ly appreciated!

  1. His­toric Com­mit­tee – we would LOVE for 1 or 2 vol­un­teers to pos­si­bly attend the Town His­toric Com­mit­tee meet­ings when held, gath­er any his­to­ry (pho­tos, news clip­pings, etc.) from around the lake from some of the long-time res­i­dents, and present to the E‑Board for pub­lish­ing on our web­site and Face­book pages.


Please reach out through email (lmpa.org@verizon.net) if you are inter­est­ed in any or all of these vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties.  “It takes a vil­lage”, and we have one of the best!!!!


Thank you in advance for your consideration,

The LMPA E‑Board Members