Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

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Sep­tem­ber 18, 2016

Lake Area Residents:

After a beau­ti­ful sum­mer, it is now approach­ing the time that the annu­al draw down of the lake begins.  The tim­ing of the draw down is man­dat­ed by a per­mit received from the Hop­kin­ton Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion and must begin no ear­li­er than Sep­tem­ber 15th and no lat­er than Octo­ber 1st.  The exact date can vary from year to year based upon the lev­el of the lake com­ing out of the sum­mer.  The for­mal draw down has not yet com­menced because of the drought con­di­tions that we have expe­ri­enced this sum­mer. The reduc­tion of the lake lev­el now occur­ring is from nat­ur­al evap­o­ra­tion.  The for­mal draw down will not begin pri­or to Octo­ber 1st unless we receive sig­nif­i­cant pre­cip­i­ta­tion in the next week or so.  The exact date that the draw down will com­mence has not been set, but please under­stand that it could start any time between now and Octo­ber 1st.  This year’s reduc­tion in the lev­el of the lake is antic­i­pat­ed to be 48–52 inches.

Please be aware of the draw down process and arrange for the removal of boats and docks accordingly.

Have a great autumn,


The Offi­cers and Exec­u­tive Board

Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association