Bald Eagle Nesting

There are now more eagles nest­ing in Mass­a­chu­setts than any time in the recent past, and we need your help keep­ing track of them! Please report eagle sight­ings to Andrew Vitz (MassWildlife’s State Ornithol­o­gist, Many of our nest­ing eagles are band­ed with cod­ed-col­or bands that iden­ti­fy the indi­vid­ual, so make sure to look for these leg bands when­ev­er you see or pho­to­graph an eagle. We are par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ed in get­ting reports of birds car­ry­ing sticks. When there is evi­dence of a new breed­ing ter­ri­to­ry, our staff ver­i­fies the report as they mon­i­tor known nests. Mass­Wildlife will con­duct its Spring Eagle Sur­vey on Fri­day, April 8. The Sur­vey con­sists of coor­di­nat­ed teams of staff and vol­un­teers who spread out across the state to check on his­toric nest sites and look for new nests.