Executive Board Meeting Minutes — January 11, 2016

Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

Web­site: www.lmpa.org         Email: lmpa.org@verizon.net

Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

Exec­u­tive Board Meet­ing Minutes

Jan­u­ary 11, 2016

Start time:  7:05 pm

Atten­dance:  Mal­colm, Drew, Tina, Pat­ty, Matt, Jaime


  1. Treasurer’s report-

Reg­u­lar account:  $2,006.40

Weed fund:  $5,008.13

Both checks were cashed from Spin­del Island


  1. Draw down –Re-fill to nor­mal win­ter draw down lev­els should start this week

Should start 1/15, wait­ing for deep freeze.  John W. try­ing to get exten­sion from Con. Comm.

  1. LMPA weed committee

It was decid­ed that we would not pur­sue an LMPA Weed Com­mit­tee at this time, due to the Town Spon­sored com­mit­tee work­ing on the issues.

  1. Town weed advi­so­ry committee – 

The com­mit­tee met Thurs­day, 1/7.  Good meet­ing.  Sched­ul­ing two pub­lic meet­ing for town input

            One at town hall – Feb­ru­ary 9th proposed

            One at Senior Cen­ter – Feb­ru­ary 27th proposed

All meth­ods will be discussed.

There was a speak­er from Dud­ley Pond, talked about what they did (stud­ies, her­bi­cides, mechan­i­cal har­vest­ing, etc)

Need to vet all alter­na­tives and get feedback

The com­mit­tee will put togeth­er a sur­vey and pub­lish on Town Website

We can pub­li­cize on our Web­site and FB page as well


Mass­Dep water qual­i­ty Sum­mit Feb­ru­ary 5th


  1. Arti­cle in Metrow­est paper, Novem­ber 15th con­cern­ing Com­mu­ni­ty Preser­va­tion Com­mit­tee fund­ing – Mon­ey to install boat ramp at Sandy Beach?

Boat ramp was dam­aged by some­one tak­ing out their boat, a truck got stuck and had to be towed.  Dam­ages some of the con­crete blocks.

Mal­colm to con­tact Eric Son­net about why this is necessary.


  1. Boat­ing safe­ty course – Need to find a location

Tina to check with Rick O’Dell about Rod & Gun Club space

Jaime to check with FCCC church for space


  1. Win­ter Social – Sat­ur­day, 1/23

Food so far (meat­balls, buf­fa­lo chick­en dip, asparagus/prochuitto/shrimp/calzones) 

Pat­ty to adver­tise on web­site and FB

Bring sweat­shirts, etc to par­ty to sell


  1. New Busi­ness

Be aware of bur­glary off of Dineen Road

Keep your eyes open for your neighbors.

  1. Next meet­ing?

Time:  Tues­day, FEBRUARY 2nd

Place:  Tina’s

  1. Motion for adjournment –
    1. Mal­colm
    2. Sec­ond – Patty

End time:  8:30 pm