REMINDERLAKE CLEANUP — Saturday, October 17th


The LMPA will be host­ing a LAKE CLEANUP on Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 17th. Please meet at Sandy Beach park­ing lot to pick up trash bags at 9:00 am (cof­fee, hot choco­late and donuts pro­vid­ed to workers!).

There will be a dump­ster in Sandy Beach park­ing lot for you to bring your trash bags back to dur­ing the clean up.

We will meet back at Sandy Beach park­ing lot at 12:00 pm, and the LMPA will pro­vide piz­za, soda/water for those who worked hard clean­ing our beau­ti­ful resource!!!

Please join us and bring lots of helpers on Octo­ber 17th!!!!

We will be pro­vid­ing a let­ter to any­one who needs proof of vol­un­teer­ing to help as well.  Just let one of the LMPA board mem­bers know that day.