Meeting Minutes — 3 February 2015

Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

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Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

Exec­u­tive Board Meet­ing Minutes

Feb­ru­ary 3, 2015

Atten­dance:  Mal­colm, Pat­ty, Tina, Paul, Mark, Rick, Mike

Guests:  Dave Gibbs, Don Kaiser

Start time:  7:10 pm


  1. Review, dis­cuss any clar­i­fi­ca­tions and vote to accept min­utes from Novem­ber 11th and Decem­ber 17th Exec. Bd. meet­ings. Post meet­ing min­utes to web­site after board approval.  Dis­cuss and review Weed Man­age­ment Com­mit­tee meet­ing min­utes, Post?

Motion to accept min­utes – Malcolm

Sec­ond: Rick



  1. Mem­ber Don Keis­er would like to address the Exec. Bd.

Don spoke about his feel­ings and how the Weed Con­trol Meet­ing that was held on Jan­u­ary 8th was run.

 Dave Gibbs, Mal­colm and Mike had dis­cus­sions with all of Don’s points.  The meet­ing was set up in advance that ques­tions could be asked by writ­ing them down and pass­ing for­ward to the speak­ers in order to keep the meet­ing under con­trol and with­in the time­lines allowed, as the LMPA only had the use of the cafe­te­ria for a cer­tain time peri­od.    It was not­ed that this was stat­ed in all of the com­mu­ni­ca­tions that were sent to the mem­ber­ship regard­ing the meet­ing.  Don agreed at the end of the dis­cus­sions that he was not aware in advance of the forum and how ques­tions would be addressed, and he also agreed to work with Dave Gibbs on the issue of home­own­ers using phos­pho­rus fer­til­iz­er on their lawns so close to the lake and the issues that arise from it. 

  1. Gen­er­al mem­ber­ship meet­ing, held Jan­u­ary 8, 2015 — Inva­sive weed con­trol pre­sen­ta­tion and vote by membership. 
  • Con­tract with ACT — signed
  • NOI – work­ing out for­mal­i­ties, mov­ing for­ward, Dave got abut­ters lists
  • Pub­lic hear­ings – Mil­ford Feb. 19th , Hop­kin­ton Feb. 23rd

-    Gen­er­al Update – Tax deduc­tion letters…

Abut­ters will be noti­fied by mail (400 feet from lakefront)

Con­ser­va­tion Comm – check to try to get larg­er meet­ing room, ask for basement

Hop­kin­ton 3rd par­ty con­sul­tant to look at NOI

            Lucas Environmental

            DPW Is applicant

Need to con­tin­ue to fundraise. 

Tax deduc­tion let­ters – Tina sent out let­ters for donations 

A voice vote was tak­en, with an over­whelm­ing major­i­ty, vot­ing to move for­ward on the per­mit­ting process to treat the weed problem.


  1. Winter/Spring Social, Boat parade prize winner

Date set – March 21st – Rick to sign contract

            Need ovens

            Tina and Pat­ty to han­dle arrangements

            Get prop from Rick to put Chris’ name on it (Drew)


  1. Web Site – Anoth­er volunteer?

Dave Mason has offered to help with web­site.  Tina to get Jen’s phone num­ber and pass along to Dave


  1. Trea­sur­ers report – New mem­bers… Account balances?

Reg­u­lar account: $3,722.09

Weed Fund:  $4,525.00

Paid ACT (abut­ters list)

New mem­ber – 10–15 new mem­bers or renewals


  1. Event Insur­ance

Indi­vid­ual insur­ance poli­cies for events

Can pre­pare a “hold harmless”

Mike to devel­op a waiv­er to pro­tect volunteers

Rick to get insur­ance com­pa­ny from Woodville to Mike

Tina to sup­ply Mike with our insur­ance co. and find out how oth­er fish­ing der­bys han­dle insurance


  1. Fish­ing tour­na­ment, Gen­er­al meet­ing, Fam­i­ly Fun Day

-Key to Bath house for our events?

Look­ing at May 2nd for Fish­ing Tournament

            Have to check with Park and Rec about the key to the bath house, ask Amy

Gen­er­al Meet­ing – Fam­i­ly Fun Day (Joint grand open­ing?) have to check with Park and Rec

Next Weed Man­age­ment Meet­ing 2/11 loca­tion TBD


  1. Boat­ing safe­ty class

30 reg­is­tered with Envi­ron­men­tal Police – reg­is­tra­tion now closed

Mark to ask to open to 45 people

Date:  March 7tth 8:00 am to 5:30 pm, bring lunch


  1. Ter­centen­ni­al Cel­e­bra­tion – Ron and Sabine attend­ed meet­ing, parade float?

Town to sup­ply flat bed for float. 

Motion to work on float and make a subcommittee

            Motion:  Tina

            Sec­ond: Patty



  1. New Busi­ness

Approach DPW for boat ramp polic­ing – wash­ing boats com­ing in and out.

Wel­come Com­mit­tee – a wel­come com­mit­tee should be formed for when new peo­ple move onto the lake, we can greet them and make them aware of the LMPA.


  1. Next meet­ing?

Tues­day, March 3rd at Tina’s




  1. Motion for adjournment 

Motion:  Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Patty



End time:  8:54 pm