Meeting Minutes — 7 October 2014

Lake Maspenock Preservation Association

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

October 7, 2014


Attend­ing:  Mal­colm, Drew, Pat­ty, Rick, Mike, Paul

Also attend­ing:  Bill and Cathy Sweeney, Tom St. Pierre, Dave Gibbs, Karen Szulewski

Start time:  7:15 pm

1.    Review, dis­cuss any clar­i­fi­ca­tions and vote to accept min­utes from Sep­tem­ber 10th Exec. Bd. meet­ing.  Post meet­ing min­utes to web­site after board approval.

Malcolm’s changes:

Take out “west­er­ling”

Change sen­tence:  Chem­i­cals may be required if full draw down can­not con­trol weeds at an accept­able level.

Motion to post after changes made:  Malcolm

Sec­ond: Patty


2.    Wel­come to The Pres­i­dent of the Lake Web­ster Asso­ci­a­tion – Jason Piader

Jason pre­sent­ed the board with a hand out of Web­ster Lake Asso­ci­a­tion Fundrais­ing Overview.   He was accom­pa­nied by the Past Pres­i­dent who also spoke about her involve­ment in the Association.

It was not­ed that Web­ster Lake spends between $48,000 and $60,000 annu­al­ly to treat their inva­sive weeds (Fan­wort and Milfoil).

There is a spe­cial per­mit­ting process required for use of chem­i­cals.  Con­ser­va­tion agent needs to be on board.

Their main focus on fundrais­ing efforts are:

Mem­ber involvement

Bulk Mail­ings

Wine Auc­tion

Spon­sor­ships from Local Busi­ness­es (Ice Out/Golf


Coop­er­a­tion with town and elect­ed officials

Grant Writ­ing


Mem­ber­ship Dues bring in $16,000

Bulk mail­ing (pleas for fund­ing) $4,500

Wine Auc­tion ($1,600)

Ice Out — $4,000 (50/50)

Golf Tour­na­ment — $18,600

Town Offi­cials paid for 1/3 of weed treat­ment in 2013,

Approx­i­mate­ly $16,000

Elect­ed offi­cials — $11,000 from their 2014 budget

Pro­posed $40,000 in matched state aid

There was much dis­cus­sions on spe­cif­ic topics.

Clip­per is the name of the her­bi­cide which they used,

It was just approved for use, and a less expensive

Chem­i­cal treatment

They use A.C.T, they tell them the funds they have,

A.C.T. then pro­vides an assess­ment and makes


Much dis­cus­sion on the golf tour­na­ment as it raised the

Most funds for the Association.

3.    Inva­sive weed con­trol com­mit­tee – Dave Gibbs, Karen Reed, Bill and Cathy Sweeney.  Spread sheet with lake asso­ci­a­tions to con­tact and ques­tions to ask.  Ques­tions to ask, addi­tion­al lake asso­ci­a­tions? – Paul, Rick and Dave sent out a spread­sheet to the Board with ques­tions and assigned Lake Asso­ci­a­tions to con­tact.  Paul will col­lect the info and com­pile lists to dis­cuss at meet­ings.  Sep­a­rate meet­ing was con­firmed for just the Weed Com­mit­tee, Octo­ber 17th at the Sweeney’s house at 7:00 pm.

4.    Request for sup­port of a Thanks­giv­ing day char­i­ty 5K, Dave to check on back round of the race

Not cov­ered at this meeting

5.    Oil spill from elec­tri­cal transformer

Not cov­ered at this meeting

6.    Review brochure- Add that we are COLAP mem­bers, update Names of offi­cers and exec­u­tive board members…

Not cov­ered at this meeting

7.    Winter/Spring Social – Pos­si­ble dates?

Not cov­ered at this meeting

8.    Trea­sur­ers report – New mem­bers…  Account balance?

Trea­sur­er (Tina), not present at the meet­ing, not covered

9.    New Business

Not cov­ered at this meeting

10.Next meet­ing? Wed., Novem­ber 5th?, Place –

Paul & Karen’s 7:00 pm

11.Motion for adjournment

Motion:  Pat­ty

Sec­ond: Mike


End time 8:45 pm