Meeting Minutes — 9 April 2014

Lake Maspenock Preservation Association

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

April 9, 2014

Start time: 7:06 pm

Atten­dees: Mal­colm, Tina, Pat­ty, Bri­an, Rick, Mike, Frank

  1. Review, dis­cuss changes and vote to accept min­utes from Feb­ru­ary 25th meet­ing. Post meet­ing min­utes to web­site after board approval.

Under New busi­ness – new sub­ject for CPA Chemicals

Motion to accept min­utes after changes: Malcolm

Sec­ond: Patty


  1. David Gold­man, Pres­i­dent of the Hop­kin­ton Area Land Trust to dis­cuss con­ser­va­tion restric­tion for land near the lake, locat­ed off Oakhurst Rd. LMPA — Stewardship

HALT Estab­lished 18+ years ago, 1,000 acres under pro­tec­tion of Land Trust around the town of Hopkinton

(Jean Scolata/John Deneen) Sub­di­vi­sion – Oakhurst Road – there is a con­ser­va­tion restric­tion on the prop­er­ty, ready to be signed off

LMPA should be the stew­ard of the con­ser­va­tion restric­tion of 13 ‑1/2 acres of prop­er­ty, HALT will be the own­er of the land.

Cre­at­ing a base­line doc­u­ment – pho­to doc­u­ment and GPS, pho­tos in each direc­tion, entire perimeter

look­ing for the Boy Scouts to do the project of improv­ing trails, mark­ing trail and replace signs.

Car­ol Essler is present­ly the stew­ard and has asked to remain.

The con­ser­va­tion restric­tion is a legal doc­u­ment accept­ed by the state. It must to be a 501C3 orga­ni­za­tion with con­ser­va­tion mind­ed goals in the mis­sion state­ment to act as stew­ards of the prop­er­ty. State is sat­is­fied that LMPA is a qual­i­fied orga­ni­za­tion to prop­er­ly act as stew­ards for the restriction.

No motor vehi­cles, can­not build, hunt or fish on prop­er­ty. Pas­sive recre­ation such as hik­ing, nature stud­ies, etc are allowed

Cost — $200 to pro­duce doc­u­ment, cov­ered by Land Trust

Joins Pep­per­corn trails

Need for­mal vote of LMPA and Mal­colm to sign in front of a notary. Hop­kin­ton Select­men must sign off on the documents.

Motion: We, as an asso­ci­a­tion, sup­port this con­ser­va­tion restric­tion and accept stew­ard­ship of the property

Motion by Malcolm

Sec­ond: Brian

Unan­i­mous vote

  1. Web­site-Domain name, Dave Cormi­er, Jen Cassidy…

Pat­ty to check with Jen

  1. Hop­kin­ton Green-Up day, Sat­ur­day, April 12th

Tina to send reminder

Start time 10:00 am

Pat­ty – bring table and ban­ner to the beach

Will pro­vide Piz­za, water, soda to vol­un­teers at noon

  1. Update on Sandy Beach make-over, Bath house, Chris­ten­ing Par­ty, 1st week­end school is out? Coor­di­nate with Parks and Rec.

Tina sent an email to Amy today, will wait to hear back

  1. Annu­al meet­ing, fish­ing derby/family fun day, May 31st?

Fish­ing Der­by – May 31st, com­bine with Annu­al Meeting?

Der­by ends at 2:00 pm, Meet­ing at 1:00 pm?

Beach Christening/Family Fun Day

Rick O’Dell to attend Park & Rec meeting

  1. Treasurer’s report – Dues received? New memberships/renewals


New mem­ber­ships com­ing in slow

Tina to send anoth­er email blast

  1. Bio­log­i­cal study/Lake draw down

Mal­colm to speak with Don McAdams about not hav­ing to do the Weed Study as we did not get a com­plete extend­ed draw down this year.

  1. Dam Advi­so­ry committee

No update

  1. New Busi­ness

Boat­ing Safe­ty course – 28 attend­ed – successruf

Research with chem­i­cal con­trols – fol­low up with Mark with email from COLAP

  1. Next meet­ing: TUESDAY, MAY 6thFRANK & PATTY’S 7:00 pm



  1. Motion for adjournment

Motion: Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Brian



Meet­ing end 8:28 pm