Meeting Minutes — 7 October 2013

Lake Maspenock Preservation Association

Executive Board Meeting

October 7, 2013

Atten­dance: Mal­colm, Drew, Tina, Pat­ty, Frank, Bri­an, Rick Mike

Start time 7:05 pm

1. Review and vote to accept min­utes from Sep­tem­ber 3rd meeting.

Post meet­ing min­utes to web­site after board approval.

Vote to approve 9/3/13 minutes:

Motion: Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Brian


2. Treasurer’s Report – Dues rec’d, new mem­ber­ships, renewals? Results from let­ter sent

$2,502.34 – 43 mem­ber since we sent out the letter

Water test­ing will be $170

3. Web­site-Host­mas­ter con­trol pan­el, Send­ing links instead of attach­ments. Brochure post­ed or link?

Dave Cormi­er is still host­ing the site, he does not want to relin­quish the host­ing rights

$5.00 per month – 5 years

Mal­colm will send infor­ma­tion to Jen and Jeff to look at

4. Water test­ing results from Sep­tem­ber testing

Results are in and post­ed to web­site and Facebook

One more year to manda­to­ry testing

Over­all results – lit­tle e‑coli, near small island and Spin­dle Island

5. Dam Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee – Update

Mike did not have an update for this meeting.

6. Meet­ing With reps. From Sen­a­tor Warren’s office and Karen Spilka, Sept. 10th.

Mal­colm and Mike attend­ed, 2 reps said she would send let­ter to the State to sup­port funds, and check for Fed­er­al funds available.

Dave Gibbs and Mal­colm gave them the his­to­ry of the lake

Over­all good meeting

Karen Spilka got intro­duced to how beau­ti­ful our lake is

7. Update of Sandy Beach project

• Direc­tor of Park and Rec resigned

• They have appoint­ed an Inter­im Direc­tor, no update

• Amy Markovich to be the Lia­son to the LMPA now

• Need to com­mu­ni­ca­tion with Town Man­ag­er about sta­tus, Rick to approach Norman

• Life guard chair was in the lake, Drew to talk to Amy about coor­di­nat­ing tak­ing out the buoys.

8. Draw down

Check on num­ber of exten­sion avail­able for per­mit – Malcolm

Mal­colm to send Eric Car­ty an email on the progress of the draw down

9. Fund rais­ing – Increase mem­ber­ship dues as of 1/1/2014? Amount of increase for reg­u­lar and senior mem­ber­ship? The dues amount is spec­i­fied in the By-laws and requires a 2/3 vote at a gen­er­al or annu­al meet­ing. Those meet­ings are sub­ject to the quo­rum require­ments. Do we need to sched­ule a gen­er­al meeting?

Sev­er­al Board Mem­bers stopped at Marathon Restau­rant to see if we could host our Annu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing there, we need a min­i­mum of 20 peo­ple for a quarum for vot­ing. Need to pick a date for gen­er­al meet­ing as well. Mike will speak with the man­ag­er of Marathon and work out the details.

10. New business

Need to update bylaws – Malcolm

Organ­ic Lawn Spray­ing – Frank will research

Meet­ing date for Gen­er­al Meeting:

Either Novem­ber 4th or Novem­ber 18th,

Mike to check with the restaurant

11. Motion for adjournment

Motion: Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Mike


End time 8:19 pm