Meeting Minutes — 3 September 2013

Lake Maspenock Preservation Association

Executive Board Meeting Agenda

September 3, 2013

Start time: 7:05 pm

Present: Mal­colm, Drew, Tina, Pat­ty, Frank, Mike, Bri­an, Mark

1. Review and vote to accept min­utes from August 5th meeting.

Post meet­ing min­utes to web­site after board approval.

Motion: Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Brian


2. Treasurer’s Report – Dues rec’d, New mem­ber­ships, renewals?

Tina and Pat­ty met, sent out mail­ing to mem­ber­ship (125), mailed to lake­front first. So far 23 mem­ber­ships received and a $55 donation

Paid insur­ance $720, still 2 bank accounts, $64 left in Mil­ford account

$1,842.48 in Web­ster 5 Cred­it Union new account, Tina to check into fees at bank and close the Mil­ford account

3. Jen and Jeff Cas­sidy attend­ed the meet­ing. Jen takes care of the Web­site and Face­book page for the LMPA. They came with sug­ges­tions on how to improve our com­mu­ni­ca­tions with the mem­ber­ship. Sug­gest­ed that we use a short para­graph with a link to the web­page for any announce­ments we want to share with the mem­ber­ship instead of lengthy emails and attach­ments. Also sug­gest­ed that we get the brochure sent to the mem­ber­ship via a link to the web­site and post to Face­book. Social media is the best way to com­mu­ni­cate with the mem­bers who have email. Jeff also looked into our web host­ing, our domain expires on 11/25/14, Jeff sug­gest­ed to get the host infor­ma­tion turned over to the LMPA for host­ing and he would look into it for us. Sug­gests a five year plan (end up cost­ing $5/month) for con­tin­ued use of He can also show us how to use for email, will show Tina and Pat­ty how to manage.

4. Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion meet­ing – 8/26/2013 – Sub­mis­sion of the fol­low­ing to the Com­mis­sion — bio­log­i­cal sur­vey of the lake and project change requests to the draw­down Notice of Intent/Order of conditions

A. Make the draw­down plan per­ma­nent — $1,000 due next summer

B. Allow Con. Comm. to have flex­i­bil­i­ty in the exten­sive draw­down schedule

C. Advance the sched­ul­ing of the exten­sive draw­down by 1 year.

Mal­colm had a meet­ing with Don McAdams. Project change request does not trig­ger meet­ings or notices. Can’t make order of con­di­tions per­ma­nent, good until 2022 with exten­sions. Flex­i­ble in sched­ule, asked for advance. DPW is on board too, noti­fy neigh­bor­hood (Hop News, Metrow­est Dai­ly News) Mal­colm or Tina will contact.

5. Dam Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee – Meet­ing scheduled

No updates

6. Meet­ing With reps. From Sen­a­tor Warren’s office

Sent invite to Malcolm/Mike/DPW/Conservation Committee/reps from St. Warren’s office/Town Manager.

They will dis­cuss the lake on Tues­day, 9/10 at 10:00 am – 11:30 am, Mike will attend and report at next meeting

7. Update of Sandy Beach project

a. Work sup­posed to start week­end of Sep­tem­ber 7th

8. Fish­ing Tournament

Due to the beach project on hold, we have to put the fish­ing tour­na­ment on hold until Spring, per­haps hold the fish­ing tour­na­ment in con­junc­tion with Fam­i­ly Fun Day, dis­cus­sions again in the Spring.

9. Fund rais­ing – Dis­cuss increas­ing mem­ber­ship dues as of 1/1/2014? Amount of increase for reg­u­lar and senior mem­ber­ship? The dues amount is spec­i­fied in the By-laws and requires a 2/3 vote at a gen­er­al or annu­al meet­ing. Those meet­ings are sub­ject to the quo­rum requirements.

Items for dis­cus­sion and votes at Gen­er­al Meeting:

Pro­pose “life­time mem­ber­ships”, need gen­er­al meeting

Spec­i­fy how we have not have a rate increase in decades.

Con­sid­er increas­ing dues to $35/$65 from $25/$45, no raise to Senior Mem­ber­ship rate of $10

Motion: Frank

Sec­ond: Brian


Move to July 1 – June 30 fis­cal year for all membership

Pro­rate for 1–2 years

Motion: Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Frank

Vote: 8 mem­bers present to vote, 5 yes, 3 no

10. New business

Wel­come lady – get her our brochure to pass out with oth­er infor­ma­tion to new res­i­dents (Pam Johnson?)

Cre­ate a FAQ page on the web­site – Pat­ty and Tina to work with Jen

Copies of brochure – Frank to print and bring to next meeting

Raf­fle for Spring Social? Per­haps offer drink coupons when an email address is pro­vid­ed? Solid­i­fy at next meeting.

Update By Laws, changed over 10 years, vote at Gen­er­al Meeting

Should sched­ule Gen­er­al meet­ing – mid January/early February

Tina to get a copy of tax return for next meet­ing to vote on Fis­cal Year change to April1 through March 31st

Motion: Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Drew

Vote: Unan­i­mous

11. Next meet­ing? Tues­day 10/1 7:00 pm at Tina’s.

12. Motion for adjournment

a. Motion: Malcolm

b. Sec­ond: Tina

c. Unan­i­mous

Meet­ing adjourned at 9:24 pm