Meeting Minutes — 22 January 2013

Lake Maspenock Preservation Association

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

January 22, 2013


Atten­dees: Mal­colm, Tina, Pat­ty, Frank, Bri­an, Drew, Mark, Mike

Start time: 7:04 pm

1. Review and vote to accept min­utes from Novem­ber 5th meeting.

Post meet­ing min­utes to web­site after board approval

Motion: Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Patty


2. Treasurer’s Report – Dues rec’d?

$1,169.05 – One mem­ber­ship, Oakhurst Street, new house

Opened new account at bank at Price Chop­per, Web­ster First Fed­er­al Cred­it Union

3. Car­ol Esler to attend meet­ing to address exec­u­tive board con­cern­ing pro­tect­ing lake views when new con­struc­tion takes place

Car­ol did some research on the inter­net and talked to

Claire Wright from Zon­ing Board

View pro­tec­tion – Zon­ing Board would like it to come from the Lake Association

Car­ol would like to raise com­ments at Gen­er­al Meeting.

Her research includ­ed Vari­a­tions in land, cre­at­ing a view shed pro­tec­tion through con­ser­va­tion, sim­i­lar to his­toric preservation

Nation­al Trust for His­toric Preservation

Solar pro­tec­tion

Laws as close as Cambridge

Noth­ing in regards to views

Can be writ­ten as to take views into consideration

Pro­tect­ing old­er neighborhoods

Preser­va­tion Law Reporter

Con­ser­va­tion restric­tion would be an Over­lay on top of cur­rent Zon­ing restric­tions, hard to rescind any­thing not deemed to be need­ed any longer, this is not some­thing that is being act­ed on or sup­port­ed by the LMPA.

Tina sug­gest­ed that Car­ol put togeth­er an email to go out to the mem­ber­ship to find out what is the will of the neighborhood

LMPA has 300 email addresses

Per­haps for a sub­com­mit­tee for addi­tion­al research, Car­ol to head the com­mit­tee of Lake Asso­ci­a­tion mem­bers inter­est­ed in the cause.

4. Fund raising

Try to get cor­po­rate sponsors

Mike to talk EMC, Bank, Collela’s and Price Chop­per for donations

5. Dam Advi­so­ry com­mit­tee – Update

Mike and oth­ers signed up for Dam Advi­so­ry com­mit­tee through

town web­site

Mark and Frank to sign up too

6. Mod­i­fy let­ter to EMC to express the need to look at the future of the com­plete par­cel owned by EMC.

Mal­colm start­ed the let­ter tonight. Updat­ing to what is applic­a­ble now, will get out to every­one before the end of the week.

7. Pre­pare report to be sub­mit­ted to Con­ser­va­tion Comm. concerning

the results of the more exten­sive draw down.

Mal­colm to work on this after “State of the Lake” com­mu­ni­ca­tion goes out to membership

8. Pre­pare Annu­al review of 2012, “State of the Lake”, for LMPA members

Mal­colm will work on this next after EMC Let­ter, but hope­ful­ly this week for board to review

9. Friends of White­hall Annu­al meet­ing – Feb­ru­ary 5th, 7:30, Woodville Bap­tist Church. Guest speak­er From DCR to present infor­ma­tion about

weed con­trol.

Mal­colm, Bri­an, Tina, Pat­ty, Frank

Tina to send to mem­ber­ship and reminder day before.

10. New Business

Beach update: Prices of con­struc­tion have gone up

Entrance way to new bathhouse

Some land­scap­ing

Beach swim­ming area has to be 3–4 feet max­i­mum depth

Park­ing lot to be done through the town

Play­ground will be 2nd , 3rd phases

ADA ramp com­pli­ance being researched

Should be 2nd phase

May do some con­struc­tion after beach is opened

Vol­ley­ball court possibly

Annu­al Win­ter Social? March 30th, Tina to call Rod and Gun Club for availability.

11. Next meeting?

Mon­day, March 4th

7:00 pm

Tina’s house


12 .Motion to end meeting:

Motion: Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Tina


Time end­ed: 8:25 pm