Meeting Minutes — 9 June 2012


Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association


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JUNE 9, 2012


Quarum of 22 vot­ing mem­bers attend­ed the meeting.

Meet­ing start time:  11:30 am

  1. Weed Con­trol Study

Pro­pos­al to con­tin­ue with Weed Con­trol Study and to com­mis­sion Aquat­ic Con­trol to per­form anoth­er weed study and spend $1,200.

Motion:  Drew Logan

Sec­ond – Tina MacConnell

Vot­ing of mem­bers – unanimous


2.   Elec­tions:

-Pres­i­dent – 3 year term

Mal­colm Page – continuing

Motion – Drew Logan

Sec­ond – Mike Riley

Unan­i­mous – Mal­colm elected


-Exec­u­tive #2    —  3 year term

Matt McCoy – resigning

Frank Hol­land — nominated

Motion:  Drew Logan

Sec­ond:  Bri­an Eberlan

20 votes — Yes


Frank elect­ed


Exec­u­tive #3   —  3 year term

Lou Pryz­tas – resigning

Bill Casey — nominated

Motion:  Drew Logan

Sec­ond:  Mike Riley

Unan­i­mous – Bill elected



3.   Recap of Extend­ed Drawdown

So far, evi­dence that the extend­ed draw down was effective.

Res­i­dents on the shal­low end of the lake have noticed sig­nif­i­cant reduc­tion in the amount of weeds so far this sea­son.  The fish pop­u­la­tion does not seem to be impacted.


4.   Recap of Boat Ramp Con­struc­tion Project

-       Huge suc­cess, ramp used by some of the mem­bers in atten­dance, work­ing well.


5.   Recap of meet­ings with EMC officials

A sub­com­mit­tee has been formed to meet with Dan Fitzger­ald of EMC to dis­cuss the pro­posed park­ing lot on EMC property.

(Mal­colm, Drew, Mike, Dave Gibbs)


The arti­cle was tak­en off of Town Meet­ing for the Spring but will be put back on for the Fall.  Dis­cus­sions will con­tin­ue with the sub­com­mit­tee and Dan Fitzger­ald and the mem­ber­ship will be noti­fied of any future dis­cus­sions.  There was a dis­cus­sion at the Gen­er­al Meet­ing regard­ing the posi­tion of EMC and what could pos­si­bly be pro­posed by the LMPA to EMC to make it a “win/win” sit­u­a­tion for both EMC and the Lake Mem­ber­ship.   Mem­ber­ship will be updat­ed after meet­ings are held.


6.   1st LMPA Spon­sored Fish­ing Tournament

Huge suc­cess.  Great feed­back from the par­tic­i­pants who have request­ed a fall tour­na­ment.  Thanks to Mac­Connells for orga­niz­ing and to the Hol­lands and Voto­latos who helped on tour­na­ment day.


7.   Sandy Beach Project by Park and Rec


$300k was approved for ren­o­va­tions of Sandy Beach by Hop­kin­ton Parks & Rec.    Pre­lim­i­nary plans are avail­able and they include rework­ing the entrance to the beach, a new bath house, new play­ground equip­ment and new plant­i­ngs.    There were ques­tions at our meet­ing about mov­ing the swim area to the east out of the nar­row chan­nel.  Tina sug­gest­ed the Park and Rec let local con­trac­tors be aware that they can put in bids for the work at the beach.


8.   Mer­chan­dise for sale – mer­chan­dise was for sale at the meet­ing for mem­bers at a dis­count­ed rate.


9    Motion for Adjourn­ment – Drew Logan

Sec­ond:  Mike Riley

Meet­ing adjourned – 12:45